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Barbie™ Glam Birthday Party…

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Barbie Party Ideas | The TomKat Studio

We are so excited to officially announce our newest brand partner, Barbie! We recently styled this Barbie themed party for Walmart in celebration of Barbie’s upcoming birthday on March 9th! This party theme classic Barbiestyle with a focus on beauty, fashion and fun!

Free Printable Barbie Party Invitations | The TomKat Studio

Using the free printable party designs (links at the end of post) we created, along with Barbieproducts from Walmart, you can create the ultimate Barbie birthday party on any budget! The printable collection includes invitation designs, cupcake toppers, favor tags and more! The best part? The invitation and label designs are even customizable so that you can add your own text before printing.

Easy To Make Barbie Cake | The TomKat Studio

A Barbie doll cake is so perfect for this birthday party! It’s pretty easy to create with a few basic baking tools and a gorgeous Barbie™ doll.

Gorgeous Barbie Cake | The TomKat Studio

Giant balloons are perfect party decor for this Barbiethemed party! Add satin ribbon bows for an extra special touch.

Host a Barbie Party | The TomKat Studio

The best part of a birthday party? Cake and ice cream, of course! A great idea is to pre-scoop ice cream before the party begins so you can serve it quickly with cake when the time comes! Dress up ice cream bowls with cute pink paper bows for an extra special touch.

Barbie Party Ideas by The TomKat Studio

Adorable Barbie Party by The TomKat Studio

Decorated cookies are another perfect treat to serve at your Barbieparty! Bows and dresses continue the fashion theme.

Barbie Party Cookies | The TomKat Studio

Don’t forget a coordinating beverage for your party guests! Pink lemonade is the perfect choice.

Barbie Party Drinks | The TomKat Studio

Easy Barbie Party Ideas by The TomKat Studio

A fun activity for the party is a fashion show! The girls can get their hair and make-up done, all while getting one of their own Barbies ready too! This BarbiePrintastic Hair Doll, is so much fun for the girls to play with.

Glam Barbie Party Ideas | The TomKat Studio

Another fun activity is for the girls to create clothing for their dolls to wear for the fashion show, with the Barbie™Iron On Style DollThis set comes with multiple fashions and decal sheets along with a no-heat “iron,” and a dress form to iron on. 

Barbie Party Crafts by The TomKat Studio

Barbie Iron On Kit | The TomKat Studio

Once the girls and their Barbie dolls are dressed and ready, it’s time for the fashion show! Create a catwalk by lining up chairs, turn up the music and have the girls take turns walking down the aisle! 

Barbie Party Fashion Show | The TomKat Studio

Host a Glam Barbie Birthday Party | The TomKat Studio

Have the girls pose for photos after the fashion show and send a copy out with the thank you cards!

Barbie Fashion Birthday Party | The TomKat Studio

You can bet that the birthday girl will receive some fabulous Barbie™ gifts! This Barbie™ Potty Training Taffy was a hit at our party!

Barbie Party with Free Printable Designs | The TomKat Studio

The Barbie™ Shoe & Purse Accessory Set is perfect to send home with the girls as a party favor! Package it together with a small makeup bag (we found these at Walmart for $3) filled with nail polish and other beauty accessories. 

Barbie Party Favors with Free Printable Thank You Tags | The TomKat Studio

Are you ready to start planning your Barbie™ Party? You can download all of the printable designs here:

Free Printable Barbie Party Designs | The TomKat Studio


Walmart has everything you need to create the ultimate Barbie Glam birthday party on any budget!

All Barbie products shown are available at Walmart

:: credits ::

styling/design | the tomkat studio
photography |  ten22studio
hair/makeup | whippy cake
cookies | lemonbliss bakery


March 4, 2014

Post Date:

  1. Tina says:

    FABULOUS Kim! So excited that you partnered with Barbie. As you know, at the end of this month we are throwing Kate a Glamour Girl in Paris Party and I will for sure incorporate some of these ideas (THANK YOU)! I am thinking for sure the dress up and take photos for the thank yous!!!!! Just awesome Kim 🙂

  2. Monica says:

    Love the colors, designs and ideas for a Barbie party. My six year old twin girls are excited about seeing this on your blog. They recently asked about a Barbie party but I wasn’t convinced till I saw the way this was put together. Thanks!

  3. Love Kim! Congrats on your newest fabulous business venture 🙂

  4. Fantastic job Kim – everything is gorgeous. So exciting to work with these great brands! Congrats. Leanne xx

  5. what an awesome party and partnership!! beautiful job!!

  6. Sunny says:

    Beautiful, beautiful. Love the color combination and the stripes and the satin bows. Made me smile. So lovely and so sweet.

  7. Jessica says:

    This turned out so adorable! Love the simplicity of the table styling and the satin bows on the balloons were a perfect touch! Everything is so pretty! Love it!

  8. Sharnel says:

    Such a gorgeous party Kim.

  9. Paige Kepner says:

    Darling, Kim!!! I love how classy and sweet your styling is! XO

  10. mindy Cone says:

    love it! all the details are adorable! i spy some cute whippy cake hair in there too! i can’t wait to pick one of these up for my daughter! ps – i love the mix of pink & black & white you used!

  11. Andrea Fraga says:

    Everything looks great, exactly what mom (or dad) needs to throw the perfect Barbie party. Congrats!

  12. Ann Marie says:

    Gorgeous! Barbie is such a fun theme.

  13. You did it again Kim! This party is stunning! LOVE it! LOVE you!!

  14. Stephanie says:

    I was a Barbie maniac when I was a little girl. This brought back a lot of amazing memories. I love what you have done. Barbie is looking awesome for her age. 🙂

  15. Micaela says:

    Gorgeous, Kim!! I love those giant balloons. And it’s so exciting to work with Barbie! Congrats!!!

  16. Susan Noble says:

    Most beautiful Barbie party I have ever seen. Congratulations Kim on your partnership with Barbie what an honor. It’s absolutely a stunning party! Love every detail!

  17. mindy says:

    Love that makeup bag! What a great find

  18. Meghan says:

    Love this gorgeous party!! The color combo is also amazing. Can you tell me how you did the darling bows on the ice cream cups??!

  19. Absolutely lovely. Congratulations on the partnership! This party brings back so much wonderful memories of my sister and I playing with our Barbie dolls… Can’t wait to share this with her and my followers. They will absolutely love it!

  20. It turned out fabulous Kim! Beautiful job as always!

  21. You did an amazing job incorporating Barbie’s vintage past yet keeping her modern and fresh! I’m dying to know who you worked with at Mattel on this- marketing or licensing! If marketing- they’ve come a LONG way- GO YOU! Having spent 6 years working on Mainline Barbie (all the dolls in your shoot) I can say you brought style and grace to the Barbie Party!

  22. OMG I Love it Great Job and Congratulations on all of your Success Steps I’m watching & learning

  23. LeighAnn says:

    Beautiful! Love this! Our Jordan is looking forward to her Barbie Birthday Party in April….she always says “I love Barbie….Barbie says that girls can be anything they want to be”. We are Harvard alums and fans of Barbie!

  24. Kristine says:

    Super cute!

  25. could you share the vendors/resources you used for the striped table runners and balloons?

  26. desiree marmolejos says:

    Gorgeous! I loved the pink and black combination. It came out soft and elegant. Loved the giant balloons and the satin ribbons.
    May I ask how did you make or where can I get the lines with circles hanging on the wall? I am hosting a party at home and it is perfect for covering my naked wall. Thanks!

  27. Heather says:

    Just GORGEOUS!! Kim can you please tell me where you purchased that simple white table you used for the dessert table? It’s the perfect size and love the clean lines.


  28. Emily says:

    Hello tomcat! I’m trying to print these for my daughters party and it wont let me personalize the invitation?! It says fill out the form but it wont let me! Please help thank you

  29. ali says:

    I love this! my daughter has been asking for a Barbie themed birthday party & I think I will be using this! question, how can I change the size of the font on the printable party circles? her name won’t fit properly. thank you sooo much!

  30. MB Orr says:

    love this! I was going to make circle garland too for my little girl’s Barbie party….I was going to tape it on clear fishing wire…how did you sew and not wrinkle the paper? I’m so impressed!!!

  31. Lisa says:

    love LOVE this party. Quick question. Any idea which Barbie was used for the Barbie cake?? There are so many out there and this one in particular lends itself to a cake moreso than most than I’ve seen. Thanks!

  32. Angela Phillips says:

    Thanks for sharing the party details, it’s fabulous! Please share where you got the heart shaped shades.


  33. Stacey Flynn says:

    I want to have a Barbie themed baby shower. I love pink, and grew up with Barbie. I am hoping I can find more grown up ideas, and that I can figure out a way to make cards with an S in the middle for her name. Her name will be Sofia. Also my shower will be coed and I’m thinking about how to include Ken. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Stacey

  34. NATASHA says:



  35. Mimi says:

    This is so darling! I bet you anything if I show this to my sassy 4 year old she is going to insist on a Barbie party! 🙂 And if that gets her off the Frozen train I will count that a WIN! 🙂

    Quick question – where are the striped table runners from? I have been looking for something like that for my dining room and those are perfection!

    Thanks in advance!

  36. jenn says:

    Hi Kim, I LOVE how you put a party together. My daughter is celebrating her 6th birthday, and I’m looking for the exact same outfit Kate is wearing. Where can I purchase it from?


  37. Hi Jenn,
    You can find the pettiskirt here in our shop: http://shop.thetomkatstudio.com/products/ballerina-pink-premium-pettiskirt and we made the tank with an iron-on graphic that you can download here: http://thetomkatstudio.com/freeprintableironons/

  38. Heidi says:

    I was wondering what did you use for centerpieces and also what color of table cloths did you use?
    Because I dont see any pictures.

    Thank you

  39. Michelle Merritt says:

    Love this! My daughter is turning 5 in June and wants a Barbie party! I tried to download the birthday banner but it says link not found. Is there another way to download it or can it be emailed to me? Thank you!

  40. Amber Tinney says:

    Hi Kim,
    I was hoping you would tell me if the pink balloons are 24″ or the 36″ balloons?

  41. Amanda Grochow says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We are planning a Barbie theme 5th birthday for our daughter, and I can’t thank you enough for all the party ideas as well as making all the printables available for FREE!!! You’re the BEST!!!!!

  42. Meldie Ching says:

    Fabulous! Great theme for a birthday party! It doesn’t look so childish and can be used as a theme for an adult! My sister would definitely love this, need to show this to her!

    We offer Cheap Printing Services

  43. Chelsie says:

    Hi! We are throwing a Barbie themed party for my daughter! I love everything you put together! Where did the black and white stripe table runners come from? Ive been searching and have had no luck. Thanks!

  44. Linda says:

    Hi, I’m trying to print this invitation for a friend. I have a shop with a commercial Canon copier, and I’m sending the PDF to print to it, but the pink is washing out and it doesn’t appear at all like it does on the screen. I’m using premium card stock that I’ve had good luck with printing full color photos, but am having trouble with this invitation. Any clues if it’s the stock or a setting might be causing the problem?
    Thanks in advance!

  45. Sarah says:

    I can not THANK YOU enough!!!! My little girl loves Barbie’s SO much and as a newly single mom on a tight budget I didn’t know how I was going to throw her a nicely decorated party like I had in the past. You are extremely generous to supply these for free and to make them so easy to change the party info on them. Thank you, Thank you!!!!

  46. Jacky Torres says:

    Hi i love the idea we will be having a barbie theme birthday party for my daughter too. And I’ve been searching for the printables for the invitations and i love the template you used. However, when I click the link the printables are not showing. Is there any possible to have it back? Thank you

  47. Andrea Harvey Mitchell says:

    These Barbie invitations are editable? I can’t figure out how to edit the pdf. Can you help?

    • Tina Dahl says:

      Andrea-Just position your curser over the area you wish to edit, then click. It will be highlighted then you can type in whatever you wish. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

  48. Katy says:

    The invitations are perfect. Thank you so much for offering these free of charge.

  49. Tracy says:

    Hello!! Your ideas and theme are the classiest and most unique I’ve seen. I’m planning a Barbie themed party for my daughter and I’m definitely inspired by this post. One thing, the template is not up. Is there any way of adding it back up?

  50. Sandie says:

    Hi!! The printable is not working 🙁 Do you think you could email me ??

  51. Katie M says:

    Hello, I love your barbie designs and tried to download but the site said it was not found. Is there anyway I can still receive the printable?? It is exactly what I am looking for! Thank you!

  52. Ausra says:

    Hello, everything is so stylish in this Barbie party. Only the link with printables is not working… Is there a chance you could email me? Thank you!

  53. Hillary says:

    Just dying over this adorable party! I also can’t get the printable to work- if you get a chance to, I’d love to have it emailed to me!!

  54. Hi! Could I please have the printables emailed to me? Ive used them years ago for my oldest daughter and now my youngest wants them too.
    Thank you!

  55. Samantha says:

    Hi I am throwing a surprise party for my sister and the theme is Barbie. I love your printables but was unable to download them. Would you be willing to email them to me? Thank you so much!

  56. Amber says:

    I love these designs. Can you please email me the link for the printables? It says the link can not be found when I click on it. Thank You!

  57. Christy says:

    Your designs are fantastic, and I would love to use some of your printables for my daughter’s birthday! Would it be possible to have the printables emailed? The link on your website is unavailable. Thanks so much!

  58. Kim says:

    I apologize, we went through a blog host change recently and links were lost. However, I just updated the post and all printables should be available to download now!

  59. Nicola Johnson says:


    My daughter loves these designs especially the banner. However the banner link takes us to the invites.

    Is there another link for this? We would love to have them on the wall as she opens her Barbie pressies.

    Many thanks

  60. Tawnya says:

    Hello! I am wanting to print this for my daughters birthday, but the pink Barbie silhouette is not printing. Is it just a water mark?

  61. Ida Zamri says:

    LOVE it!!
    My daughter has been asking for a Barbie themed birthday party in October. Would love to use your printables please.

    Would it be possible to have the printables emailed please? The link on your website is unavailable for the birthday banner.

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