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Projects: Claim to Frame

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For about a year, I have been making these frames for gifts. Baby showers, birthday parties, Mother’s Day, etc. (The one above is in my living room 😉 I use a wood frame, scrapbook paper, silk flowers & swarovski rhinestones. I only use this square 12×12 size, because I’m consistent like that (some call it OCD). I love the balance of the square shape, and that the wide frame allows the details of the frame to be noticed. I’ve been thinking about maybe making a bunch and trying to sell them to boutiques, or maybe selling them on Etsy…..we’ll see, I’m not ready to commit to anything yet. I showed my best friend, Kristi how to make them (quite easy) and we made 3 adorable ones for the wall in her new baby’s room. (photo to come soon) Maybe we’ll make them together and get something going….

This is one that I made for my friend, Katy for a baby shower gift….

My favorite part of this project is selecting the paper and flower to go with it. You should see my closet in the new craft room….I have a drawer full of flowers, I can’t help myself sometimes. I usually tend toward the paper that already looks “distressed” and I stick with feminine patterns. More photos of recent ones to come……in the meantime….

Any suggestions? Ideas? Would you buy these? What do you think an appropriate retail price would be?

January 25, 2009

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  1. Sarah's Fab Day says:

    Kim these are so cute!

  2. Lorie Kennedy says:

    I love your website and seriously come here everyday! It’s so fun and actually very inspiring. We have been in this house going on 6 years this summer and it seriously looks like we just moved in. So all your ideas get me motivated! You are soooo creative and I totally enjoy your site! I LOVE the frames so let me know if you ever sell them! Also, really thinking ahead, I know you said you would do custom holiday cards next year, does that also mean you would take the pics too?

    Again, I LOVE the TomKat Studio!!!

  3. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    And, I LOVE you! Thank you for the glowing compliments! I never know who and if anyone is reading this! I'm so glad you enjoy it! And I would love to do your photos & cards!

  4. Andra says:

    I LOVE these frames and I’m loving your site as well. Where do you find your silk flowers?? They are gorgeous! I make hair bows, and can’t seem to find good silk flowers. I’ll enjoy visiting you again!

  5. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    Andra – Thank you so much!! How did you find me? It’s fun finding out people are reading my blog! I get most of the flowers at Joann’s, but I try to stick with the higher end line there, they look much nicer. There aren’t many little ones though for hair bows, I have looked. I love flowers clippies for my daughter…see the hot pink on my latest post – Our Little Cupcake! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Andra says:

    Thanks Kim! I haven’t checked Joann’s yet! I’m actually friends with Sarah, she’s also my Pilates instructor! 🙂 I know what you mean about blog followers….it’s nice to know where they came from! Take care and I plan on checking back in! 🙂

  7. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    Sounds great, Andra! And thanks, Sarah for passing along my blog!

  8. littlegrkbeanie says:

    Are you selling these frames? I was just introduced to your blog today and I really liked the most recent posts you have so I decided to start from the beginning and I'm addicted!! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  9. DragonflySignatures says:

    I agree, they are adorable frames… I am thinking it would make a good project for my daughters friends to decorate/paint one for an upcoming gathering we are having. Can I pick them up at JoAnn's or Michaels? I am sure I could find some sports related them items there for the girls to decorate them with.

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