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Birthday Party: Lollipop, Lollipop….Oh Lolli…

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I’ve got LOLLIPOPS on the mind. Kate’s 2nd birthday is coming up in a few weeks and the theme is lollipops! The invitations are finally done and mailed, and I think they turned out super cute. They were a lot of work, but well worth it! I’ll be posting a “how-to” on them soon! I just came across this lollipop centerpiece on Hostess With The Mostess (one of my favorite blogs), and it’s just perfect! Looks easy enough!
Where’s the best place to find these swirly lollies??

March 7, 2009

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  1. Meredith says:

    Love it! they have those big ones at Walgreens- Cant wait to see her invite….

  2. A little bit of our history - says:

    They have mini versions of the swirly lollipops at walmart right now. I live in a small town in Utah so who knows if it will be the same where you live but our Easter section rocks this year! Also I saw that centerpiece idea in Rachael Ray’s magazine too, though I cant remember if she had additional ideas in that theme!

  3. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    Thanks for the advice, girls! I did look at Walmart, and they do have an AMAZING color coordinated Easter candy aisle! LOVE IT! However, all I found was big swirly ones in the shape of eggs. If they were round, they would be perfect. I’ll have to check again!

  4. Live. Love. Photography says:

    I had seen on a blog where you could order lolli’s in any color scheme you wanted (for weddings). I will see if I can find it………cute invites too!

  5. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    That is a great website! Lots of options! Thanks!

  6. A little bit of our history - says:

    Also the lollipops I found were by the check out. I was there today and saw them. They were like the centerpiece but in mini form.

  7. Rachel says:

    Those are amazing! Seriously considering doing those for my daughter’s upcoming 7th birthday. This is my first visit to your blog and I love it!!

  8. Kim - The TomKat Studio says:

    They have the mini swirl lollipops at my Walmart…and they are super cute! (and cheap! $.33) PERFECT! Thank you!

  9. Carole says:

    All kinds of swirl lollipops can be ordered from Orientaltrading.com. I just ordered several different kinds for my twins first birthday party coming up in July.

  10. roxy says:

    I love this centerpiece idea! I’m doing this for my daughters 1st birthday and whats great about it is her birthday is on april so they have a lot of pink and purple candies everywhere but i’m just wondering where i can get those white pots, a little help please? thanks!

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