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Sneak Peek: Little Birdie Twin Boys Baby Shower!

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As I mentioned previously, my childhood best friend, Margie is pregnant with twin boys! We recently reconnected on Facebook, and she discovered my new creative venture! She hired me to design the invitations and cupcake toppers for her “Little Birdie” twin boy themed baby shower, and she took it from there! She just sent me some fabulous photos of all the details and I will be sharing them here, as soon as I can get them all downloaded! You are in for some crafty, creative fun! She also wrote up all of the sources for everything she made, including recipes….so stay tuned!

Also, I hope she doesn’t mind, but I stole this self-portrait she took of herself from her flickr page! Isn’t it amazing? She’s 16 weeks preggo with twins in this shot.

June 19, 2009

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  1. *margie* says:

    Thanks Kim! Can't wait to see the full write-up 😉

  2. Melissa says:

    isn't pregnancy such a beautiful thing. I loved being preggy, but after having two i think my body just doesn't want to go there at 34 years old, and as to your previous post, the day will come when I can where such pretty things that actually look like they fit on my badunkadunk!!:D

    We just visited friends last night who had twin boys two weeks ago, what a JOY! Absolutely beautiful.

    Good luck to your friend! and I can't wait to see the goodies you make for her! You should start making personalized recipes for a cupcake each time you do a party! The next Betty..or Martha..or Rachel Ray!

  3. Lisa says:

    Hi Kim
    I found your blog several weeks & now I stop by on pretty much a regular basis. I love your work & seeing all of your posts for the amazing parties that your customers throw does nothing for my baby lust…btw- I am understanding this right? Your friend basically coordinated her own baby shower, making her own food and everything? In what realm did all of her friends and female relatives allow her to enjoy so much control? That is awesome that she got exactly what she wanted for her shower. Kudos to her for pulling THAT off.

  4. Vanessa "Paper Chick" says:

    that is adorable! can't wait to see the rest!

  5. Jenin says:

    I'm excitedly looking forward to seeing this feature.

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