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{Fabulous Friday Giveaway} TomKat Studio Party Girl Swag Bag from Dreamers Event in NYC!

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Wow!  What a response to this giveaway!!  We’ll have to keep that in mind for the future!
And we have a winner….and that lucky girl is….
COMMENT #1776 – Carie!
She said “I am a fb fan! I love the whippy cake head band!
I bought one for my baby at a boutique and love it. Now mommy needs one!”
Carie, please contact me at toni@thetomkatstudio.com to claim your wonderful prize!
We were so lucky to have a few fabulous sponsors for our trip to NYC for the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Event! So many of our favorite party girls attended the event, so we decided to put a little “swag bag” together for them! We all went out to dinner Monday night and gave them out to the girls! The bag included a Whippy Cake headband, a sweet Lisa Leonard necklace, a cupcake cookie made by The Cookie Jar and a pocket mirror with our new TomKat Studio logo on it! {launching soon!}
We saved a bag for one of our LUCKY readers to WIN!
Not only will our winner win the contents of the Party Girl swag bag, but also a Rose Bag in Raspberry by our other fabulous sponsor, Jo Totes! Also included…a DOZEN fresh cookies from The Cookie Jar! WOW!

Here’s how to enter:{Please leave a separate entry for each comment!}

1) Please leave a comment below telling us your favorite item in the swag bag!
2) Become a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook, come back and let us know you are a fan!
3) Follow The TomKat Studio on Twitter, come back and let us know you follow!


Winner will be chosen on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 11:00pm (MST). Any entries received after this time will not be considered. Open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen using random.org. This is a sponsored post. The TomKat Studio may have received product and/or payment from sponsors.
Here’s a peek at some of the fabulous party girls who attended! It was so nice to meet many of the wonderful women I interact with on a daily basis! Such a talented, creative group of dreamers! Many more photos to come!

January 21, 2011

Post Date:

  1. Kim says:

    Following you on twitter!!!

  2. ryjosanbo says:

    I already LOVE you on facebook

  3. ryjosanbo says:

    And now I will LOVE you on twitter:)

  4. Iris says:

    Love the Lisa Leonard necklace! Can't have too many necklaces…. 😉

  5. Iris says:

    Already a FB follower! 🙂

  6. amcooper_06 says:

    Ok, I love it all, but my little girl is way into bows and HEADBANDS right now!


  7. amcooper_06 says:

    Been a FB fan for a while…now I follow on Twitter too.


  8. It is hard to pick just one favorite but I'm leaning toward the Whippy cake headband.

  9. Jennifer says:

    I am your newest facebook fan

  10. Jennifer says:

    Can't wait to get your tweets. now following you on twitter

  11. Jen says:

    I would love the tote!
    What a sweet giveaway!

  12. Jen says:

    I am a fan on facebook 🙂

  13. Nancy says:

    Love the necklace and bag … thanks!!

  14. Nancy says:

    Already a FB Fan!

  15. Karamat says:

    I love the headband!

  16. Karamat says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook

  17. Karamat says:

    …and follow on Twitter

  18. I love the necklace!! The bag and items are wonderful.

  19. Lulubelle says:

    I love the mirror!!!

  20. Lulubelle says:

    follow on twitter

  21. Lulubelle says:

    Absolutely A FB FAN!!!

  22. Pok says:

    I really love the Jo Tote!! I got the 50mm 1.4 for Christmas and I love it!

  23. Pok says:

    I've been a facebook fan!

  24. Lauren says:

    I have to pick 1 favorite?!? The headband! Close second, though, is the LL necklace!

  25. Pok says:

    Just followed you on twitter!

  26. {autie} says:

    I”m sure I'll never win, but I'm just going to tell you that I love that headband! ahh!
    pick me, wouldja?

  27. I Love the Headband! Not just because it's Fab-u, but because Becki is the best thing since sliced Bread 🙂

  28. Jen says:

    Oooh I love them all! But I suppose my fave is the Lisa Leonard necklace. :0)

  29. I'm an Official Twit 😉 Now give me that Party Girl Swag Bag 🙂

  30. Jen says:

    I am already a follower on twitter! [@FrameFanatic]

  31. Amy says:

    My favorite is the Jo Tote Rose Bag! But, if it has to be inside the actual bag, I love the headband. 🙂

  32. Jill Brooke says:

    Whippy Cake headband is adorable!

  33. Ellyse says:

    I follow on twitter!

  34. Ellyse says:

    My favorite item is the Whippy Cake headband!

  35. Amy says:

    I have been a fan on Facebook.

  36. Mara says:

    I absolutely love the Jo-tote. It would go great with my new DSLR camera.

  37. Lisa Hill says:

    I am a HUGE fan of Lisa Leonard so my fave in the bag is the necklace!

  38. Lisa Hill says:

    i am a FB fan! LOVE all that you do! FABulous stuff!

  39. Lisa Hill says:

    i am twitter follower!
    @lehlashop if you want to follow too! lol!

  40. frack34@aol.com says:

    Love the necklace!

  41. frack34@aol.com says:

    Im a TomKat fan

  42. Mara says:

    Fan on Facebook

  43. Jen Geyer says:

    I'm a fan on facebook and following on Twitter. As for my favorite item…its not exactly in the bag but it is the bag, that is the Jo Tote…I want that bag SOOOOO badly!!! But you asked what was my favorite in the bag, I love them all but the necklace is my fav of all!

  44. I adore the headband!

  45. Rachel says:

    Following you on FB.

  46. Rachel says:

    Following you on Twitter.

  47. Rachel says:

    I'm addicted to The Cookie Jar!! Love their cookies!!! 🙂

  48. Rhonda says:

    I love the necklace!!

  49. Rhonda says:

    Facebook fan! 🙂

  50. The necklace is really cute!

  51. Rhonda says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  52. barneyn says:

    oh myyyy!! eeek!! so excited! my favorite item in the pocket mirror! love the logo!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  53. barneyn says:

    already a fan on fb!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  54. barneyn says:

    and already a follower on twitter!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  55. Isabella says:

    I love the sweet necklace! I am a follower on facebook!

  56. Corie says:

    LOVE the camera bag from them!!!

  57. Corie says:

    Oh, I am a facebook follower too!


  58. JenniB says:

    How could I choose between all the fabulousness in the swag brag!?! I've been wanting a whippy cake hair item for ages now and that necklace is beautiful! Oh, and I love the new logo!

  59. JenniB says:

    I am a fan of the TomKat Studio on Facebook!

  60. JenniB says:

    I follow TomKat Studio on Twitter!

  61. Carrie says:

    The necklace is adorable and I really, really need the bag!

  62. I am so in love with Jo Totes bags!!

  63. I liked you on Facebook – Check
    I follow you on Twitter – Check
    I absolutly love the Lisa Leonard necklace, but it was hard to chose just one thing I loved!
    And I really, really want to win that fabulous pink Tote!

  64. Jolynn says:

    Love the jewelry, and the cookies look so yummy!

  65. B and B says:

    I love the necklace. Lisa's jewelry rocks!

  66. Lesli says:

    My fave item is the cupcake cookie – too cute!

  67. Lesli says:

    I am a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook.

  68. Lesli says:

    I Follow The TomKat Studio on Twitter!

  69. Amy C says:

    What a fab giveaway!! My favorite item, huh?? What to pick, what to pick……..I really like it all, but if I had to choose just one, I think I would go with the Lisa Leonard necklace. ♥

  70. Amy C says:

    I am a fan on facebook. 😉

  71. Amy C says:

    I am now following on twitter @scrappingmommy2

    Thanks for the chance to win!!
    Amy ♥

  72. kananikui says:

    Love the rose bag in raspberry

  73. Kerrie says:

    I love the necklace. so dainty and sweet!

  74. Tons of Blue says:

    I really don`t stand a chance in winning, just because i`m so far away from you and don`t hava access to Tweet.

    I really loved the new llogo very ellegant, simple, just fantastic like you three girls.


  75. Melissa says:

    My favorite item in the swag bag, SO HARD to choose just one!!! Does the bag count??? lol. If not, I guess I'd have to go with the dozen cookies! They look amazing! I'm right in the middle of planning my daughter's first birthday party (pulled TONS of ideas and inspiration from your blog!!) and would LOVE to have these amazing cookies as favors for the party! I also love the headband and seriously want one for myself, but I have to put my daughter first. So I'll go with the cookies if I can't choose the bag. Because seriously, its amazing and I am SO in need of a hip camera bag!

  76. Melissa says:

    Already a die hard Facebook fan!!! xoxo!

  77. Tryllehuset says:


    I'm a facebookfan, and I follow you on blogspot too… I'd like to win the Jo Totes camerabag, I love it! Got a DSLR for Xmas, so it's on top of my list! If I should be so fortunate to win, I offer to pay the cost of shiping since I'm from Norway. (will that qualify to join the giveaway…)

    Greetings from Norway,

  78. Carol F. says:

    Love the Lisa Leonard necklace in the swag bag. What a fun trip to New York. Lucky you!

  79. Lynn says:

    Such a hard choice, however love the necklace!

  80. Lynn says:

    I'm already a die hard fan on FB

  81. Lynn says:

    I'm following you on Twitter. p.s….love the new logo….AMAZING!

  82. danalou says:

    The necklace is great!!

  83. Sherrie says:

    Everything is awesome, but I LOVE the headband!

  84. Sherrie says:

    I am a facebook follower.

  85. Sherrie says:

    I follow you on twitter.

  86. Stephanie says:

    I love the lisa leonard necklace.

  87. Stephanie says:

    I follow tomkat on facebook!

  88. elena says:

    I love the necklace!

  89. Stephanie says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! All the items are great, so it's hard to choose – but I am definitely love the Jo Totes bag is to die for! LOVE IT!

  90. Stephanie says:

    I am a loyal follower on Facebook for The Tomkat Studio!!

  91. Stephanie says:

    I follow The Tomkat Studio on twitter!!

  92. Chastity says:

    I am a loyal FB fan!

  93. Tristi says:

    Definitely the headband…I've wanted a Whippy Cake since I saw the one you wore for Tommy's bday!

  94. Tristi says:

    I'm a TomKat FB fan

  95. Tristi says:

    And I'm following you on Twitter!

  96. Heather says:

    I've been a fan of Whippy Cake for a while and love it! I also love the bag too!

  97. Trixie says:

    My favourite item in the swag bag is the necklace!
    Debbie K.

  98. Trixie says:

    I am a fan of the Tomkat Studio on Facebook!
    Debbie K.

  99. Rachel says:

    I'm a TomKat fan on FB.

  100. Rachel says:

    I love the headband, but all the items are wonderful! I would love to win! 🙂

  101. rpayne says:

    Whippy cake anything!!!!!!

  102. Kim says:

    Love the Lisa Leonard necklace… and the cupcake cookie- YUM! THANKS!

  103. Mary says:

    I <333333 the swag bag!! But....I would look soo fabulously coordinated, wearing the headband, with the beutiful necklace, eating the cookie, while checking my lipgloss with my new TomKat pocket mirror. Fabuloso!

  104. Mary says:

    Im a fb fan of course!! 🙂

  105. Kim says:

    Thx for all your tweets! I follow you on Twitter…

  106. Elizabeth says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  107. Elizabeth says:

    I'm a TomKat fan on facebook!

  108. Angela says:

    I love the Whippy Cake headband!! So fun!
    I am a fan on FB and follow you on Twitter!

  109. Elizabeth says:

    I follow TomKat Studios on twitter.

  110. Jenna :) says:

    Love them all! 🙂

  111. Jenna :) says:

    i follow on FB

  112. Meg says:

    Gosh I love it all. If I had to choose, probably the jo tote. I've been eyeing one for my dslr for quite a while now 😉 Wow, I'd feel like a new woman with a stylish camera bag, a cute, funky headband, an adorable necklace, a cupcake cookie to eat and a mirror to check out all the new goodies with!

  113. Meg says:

    I followed on fb 🙂 now if I can just figure out the twitter thing. That I haven't ventured to yet..

  114. julie mullen says:

    I love the headband! And the tote!

  115. julie mullen says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!!

  116. Shelley says:

    I love all things Lisa Leonard! And the Jo Totes bag!! I've been trying to order one and they're all pretty much sold out so this is amazing, thanks!!

  117. Danielle says:

    I “like” you on Facebook, but I don't have twitter, does that disqualify me? 🙂 The BAG!!!! Oh, I love the bag! I mean, all of it's great, but that bag!!

  118. Shelley says:

    I like you on facebook!

  119. CodynStacey says:

    I can only pick one?! I guess I'd have to pick the headband. I've wanted one of those forever and the hubbs hasn't picked up on the hint yet 🙂 Maybe I should be more direct…or just pray I win this giveaway!!!

  120. CodynStacey says:

    I follow on facebook! Of course!

  121. Nichole Lowe says:

    I became a Facebook Fan.

  122. Nichole Lowe says:

    It is a toss up between the necklace and the headband. Both are so cute.

  123. Terri says:

    I love the necklace!

  124. Rebecca says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

    rebecca.nvcl at gmail.com

  125. Terri says:

    I follow on facebook

  126. Rebecca says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook!

    rebecca.nvcl at gmail.com

  127. Terri says:

    I follow you on twitter

  128. Rebecca says:

    I'm a twitter follower! (@RebeccaFH)

    rebecca.nvcl at gmail.com

  129. allison says:

    I like it all but my favorite has to be the Lisa Leonard necklace!


  130. denise says:

    The headband is my favorite!!

  131. denise says:

    I am a BIG fan of TOMKAT STUDIO!!!

  132. Dawn Newsome says:

    So hard to decide! What a cool giveaway. If I have to specify my fave-the necklace (unless I can specify that awesome bag!)

  133. Lorie says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  134. Kimberly says:

    Love your new logo…so cute! This sounds like an AMAZING trip! I think my favorite item is the Lisa Leonard necklace (but everything is darling)!
    kcoud33 at gmail dot com

  135. Katherine says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  136. Kimberly says:

    Facebook fan
    kcoud33 at gmail dot com

  137. Kimberly says:

    Follow you on twitter (@kcoud33)
    kcoud33 at gmail dot com

  138. I became a fan on facebook and twitter. I love the necklace and cookie.


  139. Katherine says:

    I follow on Twitter!

  140. Kelly says:

    Love the Jo Tote – everything in it is adorable!

  141. Kelly says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  142. I am IN LOVE with the whippy cake headband!!! I am planning my daughters 1st birthday and am getting her one to match her pretty party! I would love one for my self though so we can take cute little pictures and them e-mail them to you!!!

    I am a friend on Facebook!!!

    Thanks for all of you awesome ideas!!! I am dreaming and starting my Traveling Tea Room – So Lovely Traveling Tea Room!!!

  143. Melissa says:

    I Love that necklace! and the headband, and the new logo! Oh and the cookies.. who doesn't love cookies!! O heck, I love them all!!!

  144. Alexis says:

    Love the Necklace!

  145. Alexis says:

    I am a Happy Facebook Fan!

  146. PhelpsPhan says:

    I am already a loyal fan on facebook! If I have to only choose one item as my fav…it would be the tote!

  147. Carol says:

    The headband is so cute. I love cupcakes so the cupcake cookie really caught my eye!

  148. Jen.Jensen says:

    I love the swag bag itself! Need one of those asap.

  149. Lisa says:

    I love the jewelry by Lisa Leonard. Everything in the giveaway would be a treat to receive!!! Thanks for a chance to win.

  150. Amanda says:

    I'm craving that cookie something fierce!

  151. Amanda says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  152. heidi greer says:

    i LOVE the lisa leonard necklace!!!!

  153. Heidi Greer says:

    i am a fan on FB!!!!

  154. Shannon says:

    I love the necklace!


  155. Ashlei says:

    Wow that cookie looks so good! I also love the headband.

  156. Ashlei says:

    I'm also a fan on fb.

  157. Holly says:

    I think the cookies are adorable!

  158. I Love the pocket mirror super cute!

  159. I'm a TomKat Studio fan!!

  160. Courtney says:

    I've been in love with the bag from Jo Totes since I found your site!

  161. Hannah says:

    I love the t Lisa Leonard necklace!! It is so cute!

  162. Hannah says:

    I am a FB fan!
    – Hannah Koller

  163. Hannah says:

    I follow on twitter!

  164. Roxy says:

    i love the headband

    hockiemack at hotmail.com

  165. Courtney says:

    How have I not been a facebook fan of TomKat until now?

  166. tina says:

    it's all fabulous, but my favorite is the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  167. Courtney says:

    And finally following TomKat Studio on Twitter too!

  168. tina says:

    I am a FB follower!

  169. What a fabulous giveaway!!! My favorite item is the Lisa Leonard necklace. So adorable.

  170. Melissa says:

    My favorite item in the bag is Whippy Cake!

  171. Melissa says:

    I am a fan on facebook!

  172. sockamom13 says:

    I love the necklace. Sweet!

  173. Cheri says:

    I'm in love with the JoTotes bag! I've been trying to get one, but always out of stock!

  174. I might have to say that adorable cupcake cookie!!

  175. Cheri says:

    I am a FB fan of TomKat! Congrats on all your success and meeting Martha!!!!

  176. Kristi Hansen says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new TKS logo! My fave item is the bag itself!! Everything else is just a bonus 🙂

  177. sockamom13 says:

    Liked ya on facebook.

  178. sockamom13 says:

    folowing on twitter.

  179. Alicia B. says:

    I love the Whippy Cake headband!

  180. spritchett says:

    I would love to win this giveaway! I especially love the rose bag, perfect for mynew camera!!

  181. Alicia B. says:

    I follow tomkatstudio on Twitter!

  182. Tina says:

    I would have to say the necklace is my favorite, but love all the items!!!

  183. Alicia B. says:

    I'm a FB fan!

  184. Tina says:

    I follow TomKat on Facebook!!!

  185. OH My what a great giveaway. I love all the items but I could def use a mirror for my bag…….

  186. I follow Tom Kat on Twitter

  187. Colleen says:

    I think my favorite might have to be the Lisa Leonard necklace. I love her stuff so much.

  188. Colleen says:

    I liked on Facebook.
    Colleen Bohensky

  189. Colleen says:

    I'm following on twitter

  190. LOVE the new logo. My favorite would have to be the little mirror. We girls can always use one of those!

  191. Edith Luna says:

    I love it all! This swag bag is awesome!

  192. Judith says:

    I totally love the Whippy Cake headbands, but to be honest I could use a pocket mirror. So cute!!!

  193. Judith says:

    I am already a fan of TomKat on Facebook

  194. Judith says:

    I'm now following TomKat @KimStoegbauer on twitter.

    Thank you so much for doing this giveaway.

  195. I love them all!! My favorite would have to be the bag. I need a new one for my camera!

  196. I am definitely a fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook!

  197. Shelly says:

    The whole bag is fabulous! But, I have been needing a mirror for my purse so yours would be perfect!

  198. Shelly says:

    I follow you on Facebook

  199. I LOVE the necklace from Lisa Leonard designs. LOVE the new logo:)

  200. Shelly says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  201. I follow you on Facebook as well:)

  202. Gillian says:

    My fave thing in the bag would be the Lisa Leonard necklace – very simple and beautiful.

  203. Melanie says:

    The pocket mirror with the Tom Kat Studio logo is pretty cool, but the Jo Totes bag is what I love most. Thanks for the chance to win!

  204. Melanie says:

    I'm already a fan on Facebook. Thanks!

  205. The Lisa Leanard necklace is very exciting! The Rose Bag is the icing on the cake!!

  206. I am a Facebook Fan!! Love your posts!

  207. lisa says:

    i love the cupcake cookies – so cute 🙂

  208. lisa says:

    i am also a fan on FB

  209. lisa says:

    i'm following you on twitter @littlepod

  210. Rob says:

    Everything looks fabulous…it is too hard to pick one. If I had to choose I would say the necklace. I have always wanted a bag from Jo Totes. They are amazing!

  211. I love the pewter necklace!!

  212. I love the Lisa Leonard necklace. I have been wanting a pretty from her collection for sometime…this would be the perfect way to finally get one. Love the goodie bag!

  213. Anonymous says:

    I love love love that cookie! Adorable!!!

  214. That swag bag is filled with adorable goodies! The cookie is so cute, I would have a hard time eating it!

  215. sunghee says:

    Ooo~~~ the bag!!! Thank you for the chance!

  216. Chacoy says:

    I love the Rose Bag!
    Loved seeing ya on the MSS!!
    Thanks for sharing:)

  217. Chacoy says:

    Fan of Tom Kat on Faebook!

  218. Chacoy says:

    I follow Tom Kat on Twitter at Ma21cuteboy

  219. Kelly says:

    The cookie is absolutely adorable, but I'm digging the necklace!

  220. iulswart says:

    So hard to choose! I love the necklace. Everything is so beautiful.

  221. iulswart says:

    Love TomKat and follow you on Facebook. Love the headband from whippycakes. Too cute! Linda

  222. Ashley says:

    I really want this bag! It is so cute. I didn't know they sold such pretty camera bags! I love that they have all the separate spots inside the bag. Then I can still use it like a purse and take my camera with me everywhere!

  223. JTC says:

    I love the Whippy cake headband! And the camera bag:)

  224. JTC says:

    I am a TomKat FB follower

  225. Anonymous says:

    I adore the headband! The necklace is fab too!

  226. Wendy says:

    I LOVE the headband! Super cute!


  227. auntiejenni says:

    do i really have to choose just 1 thing? really? i think the entire swag bag is completely adorable and an absolutely fabulous idea and i am sure you knocked the proverbial sox off those girlies….i'm just torn between the necklace and the cookie, though. sigh. i really just can't choose, so i opt for the entire swag bag in toto. i'm a follower to the site, fb and now twitter and i would love to win that delicious raspberry bag…i'd give it to my daughter in a heartbeat.

  228. Anonymous says:

    Ooh, too hard to pick just one! All of the items are fabulous!

  229. auntiejenni says:

    so i commented here on the entire swag bag, which was my favorite thing, then facebooked you as a fan and officially came to twitter as a fan–i became one because of you. yahoo!

  230. Monica P. says:

    Do we have to pick just one if they are all amazing? Well I guess if I had to chose it would be the Jo Totes bag since my camera needs a good home.

  231. Monica P. says:

    Im a FB fan of TKS

  232. Camilla says:

    Camilla S.
    If the Jo Totes Bag doesn't count then I LOVE the Necklace!

  233. Camilla says:

    I am a FB fan of TomKat Studios!

  234. MeredithM says:

    My favorite item is the whippy cake headband!!!!!

  235. Camilla says:

    I am now following TomKat on Twitter!
    Camilla S.

  236. Jessica says:

    Love the whole thing but especially the Lisa Leonard necklace!!

  237. stacy says:

    so hard to chose! I adore the necklace…so sweet!

  238. NANCY LEFKO says:

    Oh my…the raspberry bag is amazing & my favorite thing inside is absolutely Lisa Leonard's necklace!

  239. Cyndi says:

    Love all the items, but love the headband the most! (Awesome colors!!)

  240. NANCY LEFKO says:

    I'm following you on Twitter

  241. Such a great giveaway idea! My favorite item is the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  242. Cyndi says:

    I'm a fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook!

  243. I follow on twitter too!

  244. NANCY LEFKO says:

    I “like” you on Facebook

    Thanks for this chance to win an amazing prize package!

  245. Cyndi says:

    Following you on twitter!

  246. Wendy says:

    I LOVE the Lisa Leonard necklace! Gorgeous!

  247. Wendy says:

    I'm a fan of yours on FB.

  248. Love the Necklace!!!! Amazing bag!

  249. WOW! If I have to pick a fav it would be the Whippy Cake headbands. Cuuuuute!

  250. I am a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook

  251. Do I have to pick just one I love? They are all incredible gifts. You are all so talented!!!!

  252. I am a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook

  253. I follow the TKS on Twitter under BrandisParty I think…



  254. Sara says:

    Love the necklace…and all of it! 🙂

  255. Sara says:

    fb follower 🙂

  256. selphishgirl says:

    What a fun gift to win! Thanks for the chance! ~Jena

  257. Michelle says:

    I simply love Lisa Leonard's jewelry. Som simple and oh so lovely!

  258. Michelle says:

    Tweeted it 🙂

    Twitter: RainMomma

  259. Michelle says:

    Following on Facebook! Hooray!

  260. Alison says:

    I love the necklace!!

  261. barbara says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  262. barbara says:

    Choosing one item from the bag is tough! I love the neclace but the buttons are really cute too.

  263. GIC says:

    I love the headband!!! Super fab!

  264. GIC says:

    I follow you on twitter!!!

  265. ohhhhh how can you choose one fav?? all is darlin'!!

    im a fan on fb!!

  266. Amanda says:

    Ooh… I LOVE the tote bag! Fingers crossed 🙂

  267. Lee says:

    I love the bag and the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  268. Lee says:

    I'm a facebook fan.

  269. Lee says:

    I follow on twitter

  270. My Favorite item of the swag bag is the Whippy Cake headband LOVE!!!!!

  271. Meganis says:

    totally a facebook fan!

  272. Meganis says:

    i want some of those cute cookies!

  273. I'm a Facebook Fan yay!!!

  274. I follow @tomkatstudio on twitter

  275. Jacqueline says:

    The necklace or the bag!!

  276. Teacher Lady says:

    And I love that necklace – it would be a perfect addition to my new black sweater.

  277. Jacqueline says:

    I'm following you on Twitter!

  278. stacy4855 says:

    Love the necklace!!

  279. stacy4855 says:

    I'm a twitter follower!!!

  280. Jackman Clan says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace – I gave one to my mom for mother's day with all the grandkids names, so sweet.

  281. Jessica Shumake says:

    I love the sweet Lisa Leonard necklace!! It's sooo cute! I am now a facebook fan!

  282. Jan says:

    LOVE the Cute swag bag… adorable!

  283. DonnaQ says:

    Love the headband – so sweet. Also a fan on facebook.

  284. Katie says:

    LOVE the cookies in the bag!

  285. Katie says:

    Friended on FaceBook

  286. Katie says:

    Following on twitter

  287. Julie R. says:

    I”m a fan on FB

  288. Julie R. says:

    I love the necklace

  289. Jennifer says:

    I love the camera bag!

  290. Jennifer says:

    Just became a FB fan

  291. Jennifer says:

    Following on twitter now!

  292. Stefanie says:

    I love all of the items. I have always wanted a piece of jewelry from lisa leonard. So beautiful.

  293. melissakuhlman@yahoo.com says:

    I love it all! You guys are so generous. melissa

  294. Michaele says:

    The Lisa Leonard necklace is my favorite, but oh my, that purse!!!!!!


  295. Michaele says:

    … and I “liked” you on FB (because I really really LIKE TomKat Studio!) too…


  296. Michaele says:

    … and I follow you on Twitter too!

    Tweet Tweet!


  297. I am following you on twitter!
    LynnDanchuk~tweet with me too!

  298. Tasha says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  299. Tasha says:

    I love the headband – and the cookies look delicious!!

  300. Jewel says:

    Too hard to pick a favorite. Everything is adorable!

  301. hollystock says:

    I love love love the camera bag from Jo toes. The raspberry is stunning!!!

  302. Holly says:

    I “like” The TomKat Studio
    on Facebook 😉

  303. Edith Luna says:

    I'm a huge FB fan! 🙂

  304. Holly says:

    im following on Twitter.

    wow you have a lot of followers, you are so loved!

  305. Bonita Baksh says:

    Wow over 1000 comments for this fablous giveaway!! Well I love the bag as well, as I'm a big fan of Jo Totes, but I really love the Tomkat Mirror as well. It's so handy to have a little mirror in your bag for touch ups, and why not have a really cute one?!! I'm loving the logo, great job Kim.

  306. DiSailsToo says:

    My favorite item in the bag is the Lisa Leonard necklace – I've been wanting one for a long time!

  307. DiSailsToo says:

    I follow The TomKat Studios on Facebook.

  308. DiSailsToo says:

    I follow The TomKat Studios on Twitter.

  309. keshakeke says:

    I ADORE the headband! It is so cute and Whimsical!!! Every item in the swag bag is GREAT!!!!!

  310. keshakeke says:

    I ADORE the headband! It is so cute and Whimsical!!! Every item in the swag bag is GREAT!!!!!

  311. Fav item in the swag bag is the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  312. Rebekah says:

    I am LOVING the Jo Totes bag!!! What a great giveaway. 🙂

  313. Rebekah says:

    Already a Facebook fan of TomKat.

  314. Rebekah says:

    Already a TomKat follower on Twitter.

  315. Tasha says:

    My favorite item would have to be the Whippy Cake headband!

  316. Tasha says:

    I am already a fan of TomKat on Facebook!

  317. stampladyri says:

    I love everything in the bag and THE bag, but my favorite would be the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  318. robyn says:

    OHHH CUTE goodies! I love everyone!~but the cookie is SO CUTE!

  319. jirvine says:

    I love the Rose Bag and Whippy Cake headband!

  320. Michelle says:

    Wow! Awesome Swag Bag! My favorite is the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  321. Michelle says:

    I follow you on twitter

  322. Oh gosh…so hard to pick which thing I would be most excited about! I love the headband though! Thanks for the chance to win.

  323. Rachael Schepemaker says:

    love the whippy cake headband!

  324. Rachael Schepemaker says:

    a BIG fan of TomKat Studion on FB.

  325. Miss Crystal says:

    I'm already a FB fan, and you're in my Etsy hearts! Plus, I spotted you in HGTVs Rate my Space!

  326. Miss Crystal says:

    My favorite is the cupcake or the necklace….If I HAVE to choose, I guess the headband! See…I love it all!

  327. The cupcake, but I also know I could ROCK that purse!

  328. Teresa says:

    Love all of it. My kids would devour the cookies!

  329. Caro says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  330. Theresa says:

    Love the headband!!

  331. Jess says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace, and the rose camera bag is awesome!

  332. Jess says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  333. Darla says:

    I love Lisa's necklace!

  334. Jess says:

    I am a twitter follower!

  335. Well of course the TomKat Studio mirror is my fave!!! Oh, and I love love the Lisa Leonard necklace! Hope to hear from you soon!

  336. Rayna says:

    I'm a fan of TomKat on FB!

  337. Rayna says:

    I love the pocket mirror in the swag bag. It would be a perfect addition to my camera bag!

  338. kimd says:

    Sooo many cute things. It's very hard to choose, but I think I will go with the camera bag by Jo Totes!

  339. kimd says:

    I'm a facebook fan on TomKat Studio! Just love them!

  340. kimberly says:

    it's so hard to choose….!!! my favorites are the necklace and the tote bag =)

  341. kimberly says:

    i'm a fan on facebook =)

  342. kimberly says:

    i follow tomkat on twitter =)

  343. I'm loving the rose bag!

  344. Coury says:

    I am really really in LOVE with all the items in the bag! But I really am in need of that darling mirror in my purse!!! 🙂 super cute new logo! xoxo

  345. Coury says:

    I am a Tomkat facebook fan!!!

  346. Coury says:

    I follow Tomkat on twitter !!!

  347. I love the jo totes bag. But that headband is amazing. Thanks for the amazing giveaway.

  348. Michele says:

    Fabulous giveway!! Love the Whippy cake headband and the Lisa Leonard necklace. And of course the JoTotes bag – I got the rose plum for Christmas! Love it!

  349. I'm now a facebook fan

  350. I'm following you now on twitter. =)

  351. I love the headband, and of course, the swag bag!

  352. Twitter follower too!

  353. I love the headband, too cute! ~Sam

  354. I like TomKat on FB! 🙂 ~Sam

  355. I'm following on Twitter! ~Sam

  356. Kenna says:

    I love the headband!!

  357. Kenna says:

    I'm a fan on FB. 🙂

  358. Alisha says:

    I adore it all but if I had to choose a favourite it would be the necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs. I have been in love with them for a while after seeing people putting their 'One Little Word' on them. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  359. Alisha says:

    I am also a fan on facebook already 😀 I don't do twitter though.

  360. machelle says:

    I love the bag! The necklace is my favorite thing in the bag.

  361. Rains Family says:

    My favorite item would have to be the Lisa Leonard necklace!! Her products are beautiful! What a great giveaway, so many adorable things 🙂

  362. Rains Family says:

    I am a fan of TomKat on FB!!

  363. I have been a facebook fan for a while now!

  364. My favorte item: All of them! But truly your mirror would be great in my purse!

  365. keshakeke says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  366. keshakeke says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  367. Anna O says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!!

  368. Anna O says:

    I adore that headband! Could it be any sweeter?!?

  369. Love the camera bag…perfect for my new camera!!

  370. JBlanton says:

    My favorite is the Lisa Leonard necklace


  371. JBlanton says:

    following tomkat studio on twitter-jblanton41


  372. I'm a fan on facebook!

  373. I'm a fan on facebook!

  374. I am a fan on Facebook!

  375. Kelli says:

    My favorite item is the Lisa Leonard necklace! I love her designs!!

  376. Kelli says:

    I'm a fan of TomKat on facebook! 🙂

  377. Jancey Craig says:

    I love the necklace!

  378. Hard to choose a favorite in that bag of goodies! I think the little silver necklace really is my favorite, though.

  379. Liked/fanned you on Facebook, I'm Michelle L. Olson.

  380. Following n twitter as thistlecreek1!

  381. Renee says:

    Love the Lisa Leonard necklace! But, all in all a great bunch of swag!

  382. AZ Lemon says:

    I love the camera tote. I have been wanting something cute to carry my camera with me when I go anywhere.

  383. Connie says:

    Oh my gosh this is everything I love all in one! I had that exact same camera bag on my Christmas list and didn't get it! (same color too) Also, I love whippy cake- and Becki. I've been dreaming of getting a necklace from Lisa Leonard designs ever since I had my 2nd baby two months ago. Do I really have to choose my favorite? (:

  384. Connie says:

    I like you on Facebook!

  385. Connie says:

    I'm now following you on twitter! missconnie2010

  386. Katie says:

    I love anything Whippy Cake, so that would have to be my fav!

  387. orcagirl82 says:

    I LOVE EVERYTHING!!! But I'd have to say the necklace and bag are my favorites.

  388. Katie says:

    I am a TomKat follower on Facebook!

  389. Katie says:

    I follow TomKat on Twitter!


  390. orcagirl82 says:

    Of course a FB fan! <3 TomKat!!!!

  391. My girls wear headbands everyday! So they would love that! Although everything is amazing!!
    Love the new logo!!!

  392. Jen Schouten says:

    Why hello! What a fun gift bag, I would love the Jo tote & of course the cookies..yum!

  393. Jen Schouten says:

    I like TomKat on Facebook!

  394. Destiny says:

    The necklace is darling!

  395. I love the headband by Whippy Cake for sure!!

  396. Destiny says:

    Fan on Facebook!

  397. I'm also a Twitter Follower!

  398. Destiny says:

    Facebook Follower of TomKat!

  399. Anonymous says:

    I am a facebook fan!!!

  400. pattywagan says:

    Love your button mirror but have to say my favorite is the necklace!!!

  401. Anonymous says:

    I have been a follower on FB.

  402. pattywagan says:

    I am a fan in real life and on facebook!

  403. Nicole says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the headband!

  404. Pop & Lolli says:

    A favorite? But it's IMPOSSIBLE!!! 🙂 Maybe the necklace, for everyday use … or no, perhaps the beautiful whippy cake headband ….. for that perfect perk-me-up accessory on a blue Mommy-Day. Or perhaps the pocket mirror in the GORGEOUS handbag ….. or NO! The perfect cookie for a very sweet tooth … YES, I LOVE them all, but I do think the bag a little bit MUCH awesome!!!

    Already follow on Facebook AND Twitter!
    mia@popandlolli.com (Mia Viljoen)

  405. Nicole says:

    I follow on Twitter!

  406. Nicole says:

    I am a fan on fb!

  407. monkeyhouse says:

    I, of course, love them all but really think that cute headband would look great when I go on photo shoots! 😉 I've been a fb follower for quite sometime. Thanks for the give away! It looks like some very fun stuff from some great people!

  408. Jane N. says:

    I love the bag itself.

  409. anislandlife says:

    I love the necklace!!

  410. Jane N. says:

    I'm a FB fan.

  411. Wendy says:

    I love the Cupcake cookie! I am already a FB fan!

  412. i have been a FB follower.

  413. Wendy says:

    I follow on Twitter =)

  414. anislandlife says:

    Twitter follower too 🙂

  415. LisaBob says:

    That cookie is adorable, and looks very yummy, too!

  416. D.e.n.e.c.i.a says:

    I love the headband!

  417. LisaBob says:

    That cookie is adorable, and looks very yummy, too!

  418. katie b says:

    although it's all fabulous i really like the look of that cookie. beautifully decorated and delicious – what more could anyone wish for?

  419. LisaBob says:

    I'm a fan on fb, too 🙂

  420. D.e.n.e.c.i.a says:

    I'm a fan on FB!

  421. Allison says:

    I can't pick, they are all fab!!

  422. i love the rose bag by jo totes & the lisa leonard necklace

  423. Allison says:

    TomKat FB fan for a long time!

  424. Tina says:

    i love the necklace!

  425. Amy says:

    I think the Whippy Cake headband is darling, but so are all the items! I am a follower on FB. Thanks for the chance!

  426. Tina says:

    i am a fb fan!

  427. Love love love that headband! Thanks for the chance.

  428. loveJones says:

    I'm loving the bag!

  429. Anonymous says:

    The Whippy Cake headband is my favorite!!!!
    amy herring

  430. Anonymous says:

    I am a fan on FB.
    amy herring

  431. Mia says:

    I have been eyeing the Jo-Tote for such a long while!

  432. Mia says:

    Of course, I am a LONG time follower of TomKat on Twitter!

  433. Mia says:

    Facebook Fan too!

  434. Andy says:

    Being a guy, I would have to go for the sugar cookie as my favorite item in the bag.

  435. chonte says:

    I'm a fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook

  436. Michelle says:

    I am a fan and follow you on Twitter. Love the necklace, thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  437. Andy says:

    Just became a fan on Facebook.

  438. Anonymous says:

    I love the headband! I've been wanting to venture into headbands like this but I'm chicken! I also love the bag.


  439. Carol says:

    The necklace is super awesome.

  440. Carol says:

    I'm a fan on FB.

  441. Ann says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Lisa's necklaces!!! (I had them on my birthday wish list… and it's STILL there…)

  442. Ann says:

    I am a fan on Facebook! :o)

  443. I absolutely love the camera bag from Jo Totes, it's beautiful. I also really like the headband!

  444. Anonymous says:

    I love it all ~you are too wonderful to us!

    Ashley Marble

  445. Gina G says:

    Aside from the gorgeous bag, I also love the necklace!

  446. Gina G says:

    I love TomKat Studio…and am a fan on facebook too!

  447. Dana says:

    I'm a huge Lisa Leonard fan so that's definitely my favorite!

  448. Dana says:

    Fan on Facebook!! 🙂

  449. Dana says:

    Following TomKat on Twitter!

  450. bethany says:

    I love the necklace!

  451. bethany says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  452. Carierven says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace. Everything is awesome..right down to the bag. Love all of the creativity!

    Ervenc@bellsouth.net or Cari Erven on Facebook.

  453. heather says:

    LOVE the whippy cake headband!

  454. ready to elope... says:

    I adore the Lisa Leanord Necklace!

  455. ready to elope... says:

    I am a tomkat facebook fan!

  456. bruinlab says:

    I am a facebook fan and love it!

  457. Larissa says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  458. Larissa says:

    I Love the necklace and the headband!

  459. Holly says:

    Loving it all!

  460. bruinlab says:

    I am a twitter follower!
    (under bruinlab)

  461. bruinlab says:

    I love the lisa leonard jewelry but everything in the bag is adorable. including the bag itself. *swoooooonnnnnnn*

  462. Yvonne says:

    I'm a fan on FB!

  463. Yvonne says:

    I totally love Lisa Leonard jewerly!

  464. I'm a facebook fan! 🙂

  465. I love the headband but my sweet tooth is telling me that is one good looking cookie 🙂 & I'm always a fan on facebook.

  466. niknaq says:

    I am a facebook fan!! Love the giveaway!

  467. niknaq says:

    I follow on twitter as well!!

  468. Berlins says:

    LOVE the headband!

  469. Berlins says:

    I am a fan on FB

  470. Victoria Veth Foody says:

    I am now a FB fan!

  471. Victoria Veth Foody says:

    I LOVE the headband (and EVERYTHING else) in the swag bag.

  472. SAS says:

    I love it all but I think the cookie wins me over. It sounds really good since I am on a diet!!!

  473. I love that headband! So cute 🙂

  474. I'm in love with the Whippy Cake headband!

  475. I am a HUGE fan on facebook!

  476. Holly says:

    Became a fan on Facebook!

  477. bri says:

    HUGE fan and supporter of TomKat on FB and in general. Love you girls!

  478. bri says:

    I am in LOVE with the Jo Tote. And was hoping santa would have brought it for Christmas or mailed one for my birthday last week. But bummer that did not happen 🙁 Hopefully I will just win it!!!!

  479. Deb says:

    I LOVE the necklace.. however, I would appreciate the cookie most!

  480. bri says:

    And we follow you on twitter under @thesavvymomsguide! XOXO and smiles~

  481. Deb says:

    I'm a facebook fan!

  482. Deb says:

    Twitter follower, as well!

  483. Dough a Deer says:

    There is NO way I can pick a favourite out of all of those!!!! BUT I would kill for that bag. 🙂 Pink is my favourite colour!

  484. Dough a Deer says:

    I am definitely already a follower on facebook 🙂

  485. Dough a Deer says:

    now following you on twitter 🙂

  486. Sarah Crank says:

    Oh My goodness!!!!!!!! Been wanting a rose bag It is my fav!

  487. Sarah Crank says:

    Im a follower on FB!

  488. Sarah Crank says:

    Im following you now on Twitter!

  489. Nikki says:

    Really? We have to pick one favorite? I love it all, but…I have been admiring the cookies from The Cookie Jar for awhile, so I'd have to say the cookie 🙂

  490. Nikki says:

    Already a Facebook fan, of course!

  491. dot says:

    I absolutly love the headband!! It is really beautiful and I would love to win this for my daughter..Thanks TomKat..

  492. Elissa says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace – always trying to find more great accessories! Already like you on FB and follow you on Twitter – so glad you had a wonderful time!

  493. Nikki says:

    Of course I already follow you on Twitter! 🙂

  494. Kelly W says:

    I am a fan on FB

  495. Kelly W says:

    My fav item is the super cute headband!!

  496. Lindsey says:

    I am fan on FaceBook!

  497. Lindsey says:

    I love the head band!! (and the new logo!!)

  498. Laura says:

    adorable cookie!

  499. OliveParties says:

    love the sweet headband!

    also, fan on FB

  500. Kiki says:

    I couldn't pass up the opportunity for the JoTotes bag and found my way here from their FB page, of course I already follow you on Twitter and now FB too….in my dreams I live a life doing all the creative things I dream up. In collaboration with my three precious sisters of course.

  501. Tamara says:

    Became a fan on FB….Love all tthe items in the swag bag but if I had to choose I would have to say the camera bag from Jo Totes.

  502. Kimberly says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook! Love you guys!

  503. Kimberly says:

    My favorite thing in the swag bag is the headband, it's so cute!

  504. follow on facebook! maryewalters

  505. Sierra says:

    I love that beautiful Whippy Cake headband!! So adorable!

  506. Sierra says:

    I'm a fan on fb 🙂

  507. Gabrielle says:

    Love everything, but the headband really catches my eye!

  508. Gabrielle says:

    Became a fan on FB.

  509. Gabrielle says:

    Following on Twitter.

  510. Erin says:

    I love the bag!!

  511. Erin says:

    I follow TomKat on FB!

  512. Erin says:

    I am now a Twitter follower 🙂

  513. All of these items are great but def loving the whippy cake headband!

  514. Christina G says:

    Liked you on FB!

  515. Christna G says:

    Favorite item in the bag – definitely the cookie – looks amazing!

  516. Suzie-sstevens1121@embarqmail.com says:

    I am a fan on facebook!

  517. Suzie-sstevens1121@embarqmail.com says:

    I love it all but my favorite is the headband!

  518. Andrea says:

    Love the Necklace- Super cute!

  519. Andrea says:

    Im a fan of Tomkat on Facebook! xoxo

  520. Teri says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace..gorgeous! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  521. Teri says:

    I am a facebook fan of TomKat Studio!

  522. My favorite is the Jo Tote bag!

  523. Jen says:

    i LOVE the whippy cake headband!!

  524. Jen says:

    i follow on facebook!

  525. Jen says:

    and on twitter!

  526. Anonymous says:

    I love the headband!

  527. Anonymous says:

    I am a fan on Facebook! Thank you!

  528. Melissa Coronado says:

    All the items are SO cute that's it's almost impossible to pick a favorite; however, if I must then I would say the headpiece:)

  529. Melissa Coronado says:

    I follow you on FB!!

  530. Lorena says:

    I love the headband! It is very pretty! I enjoy reading your blog. It is a great inspiration. Congratulations
    on your trip! Lorena

  531. AGM says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace..

  532. AGM says:

    I am a facebook follower

  533. AGM says:

    I'm a twitter follower too!

  534. Paris says:

    LOVE the cookie!!!! Yummy!

  535. Quelly says:

    I am a FaceBook Fan!

  536. Quelly says:

    So hard to narrow down a fav! I must admit I adore the headband!

  537. Quelly says:

    I am a Twitter follower!

  538. Anonymous says:

    I am a fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook!
    Jen F.

  539. Anonymous says:

    I love each of the items in the swag bag, but I especially like the idea of the little pocket mirror and the yummy and adorable cookie!
    Jen F.

  540. Tiffany B says:

    Fan on FBook
    My fave item is the cookie!!!

  541. Heather says:

    I have been lusting after a Whippy Cake headband for a while, so I would have to say that's my fav. I already have a LL necklace that I wear everyday…so it was a hard decision!

  542. Heather says:

    I am already a FB fan!

  543. SSF says:

    What an awesome swag bag!!! Love that headband! Well, I really love it all. 🙂

  544. Lisa says:

    So hard to choose, the Whippy Cake headband is so fab! I got one for my daughter for Christmas and I just LOVE it!!

  545. SSF says:

    I am a fan on Facebook!

  546. SSF says:

    Just started tweeting…now following you on Twitter!

  547. The cupcake cookie is looking mighty tasty! Love your new logo too!

  548. Julie says:

    I love all of the bag contents, including the bag itself. However, I have been coveting a Lisa Leonard necklace!

  549. Rowie says:

    My fav would be the whippy cake headbands they are so cute

  550. Rowie says:

    i'm a facebook fan

  551. Missy says:

    I love the necklace most

  552. Missy says:

    I'm a fan on facebook

  553. Missy says:

    And a follower on twitter!z

  554. Margo says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  555. Margo says:

    I am a fan on fb!

  556. Jill Boyle says:

    I want the cookies!!!

  557. Jill Boyle says:

    I'm a fan on FB also!

  558. poodlekrazee says:

    My fave item in the bag is the necklace but a close second is the totally darling cookie. Thanks for the opportunity.

  559. poodlekrazee says:

    Of Course I am your fan on Facebook!

  560. Erin says:

    I like the Whippy Cake piece the best! That cookie looks so cute.

  561. Erin says:

    I follow you on Facebook.

  562. Erin says:

    I follow on Twitter.

  563. ieduk8u says:

    I like you on Facebook!! :0)

  564. ieduk8u says:

    I follow you on Twitter 🙂

  565. jill says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  566. jill says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook!

  567. Jessica says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!! I love it and want it!

  568. Ali says:

    HUGE Faceboook FAN!!!!!! wooohoooo!

  569. Ali says:

    I adore Whippycake most! But don't mind a cookie either 🙂

  570. Tanya Southfield says:

    Definitely now a fan on Facebook…can't wait to follow you on FB! Great contest!

  571. Megan says:

    I love the necklace best!

  572. K/J says:

    Love the Party Girl Swag Bag… I would pick the Lisa Leonard necklace for sure.

  573. K/J says:

    I have been a big fan of The Tomkat Stuido on FB

  574. K/J says:

    First time Twitter and loving it… Thanks, The TomKat Studio.

  575. Jami says:

    I love Lisa's necklace!! ~Jami (The Savvy Socialista)

  576. Jami says:

    I follow you on Twitter!!!! ~Jami Lindberg

  577. Jami says:

    I'm a Facebook fan!!! ~Jami Lindberg

  578. Jennifer says:

    How can you pick just one favorite? I'm gonna go with the headband or maybe the necklace….can't decide! I love this blog! party planning and paper products are so refreshing!

  579. blythedj says:

    I am a Facebook fan

  580. blythedj says:

    My favorite item is the necklace!

  581. amelia says:

    I love the headband!


  582. amelia says:

    I became a Facebook Fan!


  583. Sweet things says:

    I love the headband!

  584. Anonymous says:

    Carrie G.
    Love the necklace by Lisa Leonard Designs!!!

  585. ** Adrian ** says:

    The necklace is lovely!! I'd love to win!!


  586. I follow you on facebook

  587. I LOVE the necklace by Lisa Leonard! I fanned all these ladies on fb as well.


  588. Emily says:

    Oh My! I love all the fab swag gifts…but I la la love the cookies!

  589. Cil A. says:

    Although everything in the bag is awesome, I have been coveting a jototes bag. Thanks for the chance.

  590. Cherie B says:

    I just love the Lisa Leonard necklace! AWESOME!
    But that cookie is pretty darn cute and I'm sure very tasty!
    Hope I win!

  591. Cherie B says:

    I follow you on facebook already.
    Love checking out your page!

  592. Cherie B says:

    I'm a fan of yours!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  593. Cherie B says:

    I meant to say, I follow your tweets on Twitter.
    I'm a follower!

  594. Erika says:

    Oooh, I have been lusting after that camera bag … fingers crossed! (And thank you!) 🙂

  595. Erika says:

    P.S. Already a fan on facebook! Looooove that camera bag!

  596. Lindsey says:

    I LOVE The Rose bag from Jo Totes. I have to have it!

  597. FAvorite item is the Lisa Leonard necklace

  598. robin says:

    I love the headband…so cute!

  599. britty38{at}aol{dot}com says:

    Love the necklace!

  600. britty38{at}aol{dot}com says:

    Tweeted, britty38tweets.

  601. britty38{at}aol{dot}com says:

    I'm a fb fan!

  602. merium says:

    Love the headband, but the necklace is beautiful too!

  603. Amy H. says:

    Facebook Fan

  604. My favorite is the cookie! I love sweet treats

  605. And of course I follow TomKat on twitter!

  606. Ryan O&apos;Neil says:

    I love the logo mirror, but all of the items are fantastic!

  607. Ryan ONeil says:

    I am also following you on Twitter

  608. Ryan ONeil says:

    I am also a Facebook fan

  609. Meghan says:

    I LOVE the Whippy Cake accessory! It's amazing! Thank you for the chance to win!!

  610. Meghan says:

    I follow you on Twitter!! I'm @memsbymeg Thanks!

  611. robin says:

    I'm already a facebook fan!

  612. robin says:

    I now follow you on Twitter!

  613. Joan Rachel says:

    My very fave thing in the swag bag (I love the name!) is the Lisa Leonard necklace! I l-o-v-e, LOVE her designs and I love that so many of them are totally customizable!

    Thanks for this fab giveaway!

  614. Joan Rachel says:

    I am absolutely a fan of TomKat Studio of facebook! Also, I refer my friends and coworkers to the blog all the time, especially for things like the printable calendars! They're all over our office!

  615. Joan Rachel says:

    Currently following TomKat Studio on twitter!

    Thanks for this amazing giveaway… what fabulous things!

  616. I love the Lisa Leonard necklace.

  617. Shauna says:

    I love the fun whippy cake headband. The Rose Bag in Raspberry is fabulous as well!

  618. Atutudes says:

    I love all of the items but if I have to choose one I would pick the Whippycake headband.

  619. Atutudes says:

    Following on Twitter : )

  620. Shauna says:

    I just became a fan on Facebook. :0)

  621. Atutudes says:

    Liked on Facebook

  622. Candice Alba says:

    I the headband is adorable, but who doesn't love cookies!

  623. Ursula says:

    I love the bag from Jo's Totes

  624. Ursula says:

    following on twitter!

  625. Candice Alba says:

    So glad you're on Facebook! I am now a fan! I love your work and check your website daily.

  626. The Hammers says:

    love the headband! oh and the cookie 🙂

  627. Kristen says:

    I LOVE the Whippy Cake Headband!!!

  628. Kristen says:

    I Heart TomKat Studio on Facebook!!!

  629. Kristen says:

    And, I follow TomKat Studio at kristen.oxendine@gmail.com
    Thanks so much!

  630. KD says:

    My favorite is the Lisa Leonard Designs necklace…. I love her designs and have yet to get one! Would LOVE to win one! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  631. KD says:

    Facebook fan!

  632. Janine says:

    I am a twitter fan

  633. Tiff says:

    Whippy Cake headband is my favorite item in the bag!

  634. Tiff says:

    I follow you on facebook

  635. Tiff says:

    I follow you on Twitter!

  636. my favorite item is the necklace

  637. rosemarie says:

    I love the Whippy Cake headband!
    I follow on Twitter and have been a fan of TomKat Studios on Facebook!

  638. If I had to choose only one item from the swag bag, I'd go with the cupcake cookie fro The Cookie jar. It looks so yummy.

  639. LeanneM says:

    The JoTote takes the cake – it's beautiful! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  640. Sarah says:

    I love the Party Girl swag bag and the necklace!!

  641. Sarah says:

    I'm a facebook fan!

  642. Sue-Anne says:

    Love the necklace!!

  643. I'm a fan of TomKat Studio.

  644. gretch says:

    I am in love with that adorable cupcake cookie!!! I have a HUGE cupcake fetish! I will have to order some =)

  645. How Sweet Cakes says:

    Just started following you on facebook. Love the cupcakes cookies- two of my fav things put together!

  646. Melissa says:

    I am already a facebook fan..i do not have a twitter acct. I love everything especially the necklace.

  647. Mandi says:

    I have to say I love the necklace:)

  648. Mandi says:

    I am soooo a Fan on Facebook!

  649. Mandi says:

    You have a new follower on Twitter & it's me!!!

  650. Kathy says:

    That headband is awesome.

  651. I follow you on Twitter!

  652. I like you on Facebook!

  653. I LOVE the Whippy Cake headband! Everything is amazing, but I just love Whippy Cake!

  654. Suzanne says:

    They are all wonderful, but if I had to choose one…the head band makes me smile:)

  655. I am a follower on twitter @modsocialites

  656. Suzanne says:

    Became a fan on fb!

  657. Nikki says:

    I love Lisa Leonard Designs! She has the best necklace designs!!

  658. I love the giveaway so amazing my favorite item is the cookies haha I've been dieting for months and they're so cute & look delicious!

  659. Nikki says:

    I love Whippy Cake – ordered a bunch recently. Waiting patiently for my order 😉

  660. Jennifer Rebura says:

    I'm a fan on facebook

  661. Anonymous says:

    I like the Lisa Leonard necklace 🙂

  662. Justin rebura says:

    I like the cookies the most

  663. Justin Rebura says:

    I am a fan on facebook

  664. Anonymous says:

    I am following you on twitter!

  665. Anonymous says:

    I am a facebook fan!!

  666. Anonymous says:

    I LOVE IT ALL! The Joes Tote would be amazing since I am going to finally purchase my first DSLR!
    Fan on FB too:)

  667. Oh my gosh!! Seriously!? Would love to win all of this amazing stuff! I adore Lisa's work and really need a cute camera bag!!

  668. Maia says:

    I love the headband!

  669. Maia says:

    I'm a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook

  670. Maia says:

    followed TomKat Studio on twitter

  671. I'm following you on twitter! (with my fingers crossed!)

  672. I'm a FaceBook fan too!

  673. SuzQ says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  674. jamiej33 says:

    I love the Whippy Cake headband – stunning!

  675. jamiej33 says:

    And I'm a FB follower!

  676. Kim says:

    I think I would love the girly camera bag. My husband… maybe not so much. 😉

  677. Kim says:

    I follow you on Twitter!

  678. Mrs Showers says:

    All are super cute! The necklace is my favorite. I am also a facebook fan 🙂

  679. Love the necklace! What a fun giveaway!!

  680. Anonymous says:

    Im loving the pink bag!! It's fabulous!

  681. Jen says:

    Thank you for a chance to win! Everything looks fabulous – LOVE the new logo. My fav is the necklace. Too cute!

  682. Chelsea Campbell says:

    The cookies are adorable!

  683. Chelsea. says:

    Already a fan on Facebook!

  684. Jamie says:

    I LOVE TomKat Studios!! I share it with all of my friends! It's hard to choose a favorite out of all those great items but I would say the headband is my fav!!

  685. Jamie says:

    Already following on Twitter!!

  686. Jolynn says:

    I follow on Twitter!

  687. skerkezi says:

    My favorite item is the pocket mirror of course!

  688. skerkezi says:

    I'm a FB fan 🙂

  689. Mrs.E says:

    I love the cookie from the cookie jar! It looks so yummy!

  690. Anonymous says:

    Oh, I have to say that my most favorite item in your sweet swag bag would have to be the Jo Tote.


  691. Wendy says:

    The Lisa Leonard necklace!

  692. Anonymous says:

    oh my goodness love it all but if i had to pick one it would by the necklace. cute new logo. donna

  693. Amy says:

    I'm lovin' the Rose bag and the Lisa Leonard jewlery! Thanks!

  694. I love the cookies. So adorable!

  695. Entering again….still loving the bag…but the headband is my “fav” in the bag:)….Love me some TOMKAT:)…You girls ROCK:)…BIGTIME:)


  697. Elissa says:

    I love the jo totes camera bag!

  698. Dawn says:

    Lisa Leonard necklace! It's great!

  699. Dawn says:

    But my favorite is the Jotote! I followed on Twitter and FB! Would love to win! 🙂

  700. Darlene says:

    I follow you on Twitter!

  701. Darlene says:

    I love the Whippy Cake Appliques – Crumpet 😉

  702. Mommy Hollis says:

    Already a FB follower! Woot, Woot!!!

  703. Mommy Hollis says:

    There are so many awesome things to choose..I would have to go with the AWESOME Lisa Leonard necklace. I have wanted one for so long!

  704. Laura says:

    I love the whippy cake headband! I love whippy cake!

  705. Laura says:

    I am a Facebook fan!

  706. Mommy Hollis says:

    Following on twitter….

  707. Julia says:

    Just found this blog today and absolutely love it. Shared it with friends too!

  708. Alicia says:

    I love everything in the swag bag! The necklace, the cookies, oh my!

  709. would love the necklace its too cute, and been eying these bags for awhile now. would love to win!

  710. Debbie says:

    I love them all, but since it's January, and I'm craving sweets, I'll choose the Cupcake Cookie as my fav!

  711. Debbie says:

    I'm a Facebook fan!

  712. nicole says:

    i've been dying for a jototes camera bag!!!!! seriously, trying to justify the $89


  713. ROK says:

    I am a FB fan!

  714. ROK says:

    Yeah giveaway!

  715. I love everything in this bag! So cute! My favorite would have to be the cupcake cookie! Im def a sweet lover and it has 2 yummy sweets in one! :]

  716. I am a fan on FacebooK! :]

  717. Becky says:

    That is some awesome swag! I love the necklack. Sure hope I win!!!

  718. Jenn says:

    I follow on Twitter

  719. Jenn says:

    Follow on Fb too.

  720. Jenn says:

    My favorite is the neckalce.

  721. Jill Swank says:

    I would say the cookies will be my favorite, how adorable. But I could wear the necklace over and over! Plus a hot pink bag!!!! OMG

  722. Jill Swank says:

    I follow TomKat Studio on FB

  723. The necklace would be a nice piece to have! Love Lisa's designs, though that pink tote is judt fabulous!!!

  724. What an awesome swag bag! My favorite item is the necklace. Here work is amazing!

  725. I follow you on twitter

  726. Kristen says:

    LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the Lisa Leonard necklace!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TomKat too!

  727. Jenny says:

    If I have to choose, I would pick the necklace. So cute!

  728. Jenny says:

    I am a facebook follower!

  729. Kort and Amy says:

    I am in l.o.v.e with the girl from the tomkat logo! That mirror is so cute!

  730. Anonymous says:

    Jo totes makes the cutest bags. I would love to get my hands on one.


  731. Anonymous says:

    I would love to win the Jo Tote for my wife.


  732. I'm fairly confident that I NEED whippy cake in my life.

  733. Lee says:

    I really love the headband – so adorable. thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  734. Sabrina says:

    Just located you from the Polka Dots and Pirates blog and LOVE all your amazing ideas. This giveaway is awesome and I have to say I love the necklace but the bag is great for spring!!!!

  735. Sabrina says:

    I am now a BIG facebook fan!!!

  736. Sabrina says:

    I follow you on twitter!!!

  737. Tiffany says:

    I am in love with the headband! gorgeous!

  738. Tiffany says:

    I am a fan of tomkat on Facebook.

  739. Tiffany says:

    and I am now following you on twitter. I am new to twitter. But I think I did it right. 🙂 Wish me luck ☺.

  740. Carey H says:

    So hard to decide bw the tote and the necklace. They are both beautiful!!!

  741. Carey H says:

    I am a facebook fan!!

  742. Courtney says:

    i am a fan of facebook
    and my favorite part of the swag bag is the wippcake

  743. Kim says:

    Love the headband! And the camera bag!

  744. Whitney says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!!! What a fun bag!!

  745. I just love the whippy cake headband!!! SOOO Cute!

  746. Of course I am a FAN on FB!!!

  747. ….and a TWITTER FOLLOWER too!!!!

  748. Terri Fahuna says:

    I just became a fan on Facebook!

  749. Terri Fahuna says:

    I love the pocket mirror! Great idea…and the necklace is adorable. 🙂 fahuna@yahoo {dot} com

  750. kimbrlymay says:

    the headband! love it!

  751. Gertie Mae says:

    I love the necklace by Lisa Leonard Designs.

    gertiemaetrude at gmail dot com

  752. Gertie Mae says:

    I'm a fan on FB!

    gertiemaetrude at gmail dot com

  753. erin says:

    I am a fb fan and twitter follower. I love the lisa leanard necklace – but the whole thing is fabulous. Thanks for sharing…
    How awesome to live via you.

  754. Conni says:

    I love all the items … but my fave id the necklace!!
    Awesome swag bag! How fun!

  755. SandyG says:

    I LOVE the Rose bag and the whippy cake headband! I have been eyeing those whippy cake headbands for a while. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  756. SandyG says:

    I am fB fan! 🙂

  757. I love the headband! SO much fun.

  758. I am a follower of the blog!

  759. I have already been a fan on Facebook!!!

  760. My favorite item in the swag bag…which I have been wanting for months is the whippy cake headband.

  761. niknaq says:

    The beautiful necklace is my favorite!

  762. Dying for a Jo tote. Love it!

  763. I am a facebook fan!

  764. Jenn says:

    The Rose Bag is definitely awesome and I love the Whippy Cake headband from the swag bag! I love Cake 🙂

  765. Kari says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook. Would love the Jo Tote bag!

  766. hollystock says:

    I follow TomKat on twitter 😉

  767. Holly says:

    I am a HUGE fan of TKS on Facebook!!!

  768. Lisa says:

    Love the headband!!!!

  769. Lisa says:

    I am a fan on facebook

  770. Adriane says:

    My favorite item in the swag bag is the necklace! All items look fabulous though!

  771. Adriane says:

    I'm a fan on FB!

  772. Beth says:

    I'm a FB fan!

  773. Cherron says:

    Wow! I can't decide if I like the headband, the necklace or the bag the best!

  774. Ashley says:

    Do I have to pick just one? I would have to say the Jo Totes bag stands out. I have been wanting a fashionable bag to replace my clunky camera bag.

  775. Ashley says:

    I {like} TKS on FB.

  776. Cherron says:

    I am a follower of Facebook!

  777. I am a HUGE fan of yours…on facebook of course!! 🙂

  778. Lita says:

    OMG I'm so in love with the Lisa Leonard necklace…it's gorgeous!!

  779. Lita says:

    I absolutely 100% follow you on Facebook!

  780. Michelle says:

    The headband is my fav!! My twins would be even cuter in this!!!

  781. Lita says:

    and I 1000% percent follow you on Twitter – I'm @litasworld

  782. Courtney says:

    ooh, the rose bag itself is probably my favorite, but I get really excited whenever there's jewelry OR sweets involved!! 🙂

  783. Courtney says:

    I'm also a fan on FB!! 🙂

  784. Michelle says:

    Im an FB & Twitter fan!! cause you rock!!

  785. Angie says:

    Who can choose just one:) I LOVE the Rose bag in Raspberry!

  786. Cherron says:

    I'm also following on twitter!

  787. Elizabeth says:

    I LOVE you on FB!

  788. I follow you on Twitter!! 🙂 @jessicapeazle

  789. Jo tote is my fav 😉 in the contest.

  790. Elizabeth says:

    My favorite are those Cookie Jar cookies. Yummy

  791. Following you on twitter 😉

  792. Mollie says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  793. Nicolle says:

    I love the adorably sweet cookie!

  794. magali03 says:

    i looooove the headband!!! 🙂

  795. magali03 says:

    im following you on twitter!

  796. magali03 says:

    aaaand i like you on FB! 🙂 woo!

  797. Shirley says:

    I love everything but I'd have to say the bag from JoTotes is my favorite. I love her bags.

  798. Nicolle says:

    I'm already a TomKat fan on FB!

  799. Mollie says:

    I follow on twitter!

  800. Nicolle says:

    I follow TomKat on twitter

  801. Twenty says:

    Mmmmmhhhhmmmmmm….the cookies for sure!! 🙂

  802. Leah says:

    Already a fb fan!

  803. I have been fan on facebook FOREVER! I love TOMKAT!

  804. Leah says:

    Would love the Jo tote the most <3

  805. I just followed you on Twitter!

  806. My favorite item is the Jo Totes bag! I started loving Photography a year and a half ago, and have been drooling over these bags ever since!

  807. I am a fan on Facebook! 🙂

  808. All such amazing stuff!!! The cookie is crying out to me right at this moment though. 🙂

  809. I love all the items but my favorite is the Jo Totes…I've had my eye on one for a while now!!!

  810. I follow you on Twitter!! 🙂


  811. I'm a following on Facebook! 😀

  812. I'm a follower on Twitter! 😀

  813. I am a follower on Twitter!!

  814. Lucy says:

    I love the custom necklace!! Simple but elegant.

  815. My favorite is the whippycake, and the Jo tote and the mirror, man I love it all

  816. Danielle says:

    What an awesome swag bag!! My favorite would have to be the Lisa Leonard necklace. LOVE IT!!

  817. Danielle says:

    Already a FB fan!!

  818. Lucy says:

    I follow TKS on Facebook! Love all your posts!

  819. Danielle says:

    Already a Twitter follower!!

  820. Molly says:

    My favorite is the Rose bag from Jo Totes – I love bags, I love photos, what else could a girl need?

  821. Molly says:

    I am a fan on Facebook!

  822. Darby says:

    Love the necklace! What a fun little goodie bag!

  823. Darby says:

    I Like you on FB!

  824. Darby says:

    I follow you on Twitter!

  825. Christy says:

    I definitely love the whippy cake the most! although I'm kinda drooling over the cookie right now!

  826. Christy says:

    I am a fan on Facebook!

  827. Ahh, I love it all but if I have to choose it would be the necklace.

  828. Leah King says:

    The necklace has to be my favorite because it is so timeless!

  829. Paris says:

    Im a fan on facebook! 🙂

  830. Nicole Marie says:

    I love the Whippy Cake accessory. Perfect for spring

  831. Nicole Marie says:

    I'm a fb follower – have been for a while 🙂

  832. Lisa Davis says:

    Just liked you on facebook! 🙂 🙂

  833. Meggan says:

    oH my goodness– your really making me choose my FAVORITE thing? It's so hard because it's ALL so amazing. But, if I were to choose on what I would absolutely NEED, I'd pick the Jo Tote bag– I'm in NEED of a camera bag!! 🙂 So, I'm sending this comment with all my fingers crossed.


  834. Meggan says:

    I'm already a fan on facebook


  835. Jen Stokes says:

    Do I really have to pick what I love best? I love all of it, but especially the Jo Tote, I suppose which is fabulous!

  836. still praying and hoping and trying….one more time to win this awesome package:)…..love it all:)

  837. Jan says:

    I love the Jo Totes!!

  838. Jan says:

    I am already a faithful follower on Facebook!

  839. Cori says:

    I love the Whippy Cake headband!!!

  840. Cori says:

    I'm a facebook follower!

  841. Ashley says:

    All of the items are super cute! I would have to say the headband! Adorable.

  842. Ashley says:

    I am a Facebook Fan!

  843. Audry says:

    I am in love with the Rose Bag!

  844. dreadesign says:

    Love it all. I am a fb fan! I could sure go for that cookie right now! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  845. I love the Rose Bag! Awesome!

  846. Ashley says:

    The Hip Hostesses follow TKS on Twitter!

  847. Audry says:

    Already a fan on Facebook.

  848. I'm already a facebook fan!

  849. Audry says:

    Following on Twitter!

  850. Jan says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  851. I'm now a twitter follower! @MTDLBlog

  852. Daisy says:

    All of the items in the giveaway bag are amazing, and I have to say my fav is the headband…. unless I can choose the Jo Totes bag as my favorite…:P

  853. Anonymous says:

    I am following you on twitter! I think I would LOVE it all, but mostly the necklace!

  854. Anonymous says:

    I am a FB Fan!!!
    I love the Whippy Cake Headband, sooo CUTE.

  855. Cori says:

    I'm a follower on Twitter!

  856. Melody says:

    I love, love, love the necklace!!

  857. Melody says:

    I am a fan on Facebook!

  858. Brittanie says:

    LOVE the headband!!

  859. Brittanie says:

    Follower on Facebook!

  860. Kari Pieratt says:

    I love TomKat and the cupcake cookie!

  861. Kari Pieratt says:

    I am a TomKat fan on FB! Beautiful creative inspiration every day.

  862. Kelly says:

    I follow on Facebook…And I love, love, love the necklace from Lisa Leonard!

  863. Kinzie Sue says:

    Love the necklace! This is one incredible giveaway- Thanks!!

  864. Kinzie Sue says:

    Follow on twitter @kinzieskreation

  865. sanders six says:

    my favorite item in the bag would have to be the necklace…..i love silver jewelry, and when i was younger i had a “love collection” – collected anything that said “love” or had hearts on it…..thinking lately i need to start that up again – what better collection to have than one of love?!?! 🙂

    a close second is the cupcakes, as i could give them to my 5littles and share the love 🙂

    am a fan already – check 🙂

    thanks so much for the opportunity and inspiration 🙂

  866. jgm says:

    I'm a fan on facebook! I love your stuff!!

  867. Ashley says:

    Love Love the headband!

  868. Ashley says:

    I follow TomKat on Facebook

  869. jgm says:

    I LOVE the bag which could be my new diaper bag since I don't carry a purse anymore since the babe came along. But I do also like he headband. It would something just for me!

  870. Erin says:

    Looove the Jo Totes bag and I'm dying to try one of those cookies!

  871. Jillian says:

    Kim, absolutely love your new logo! My fave item in the bag would have to be that delicious cupcake cookie. Love the swag bag and of course the JoJo Tote!

  872. jgm says:

    I'm a tomkat twitter follower!

  873. Happily stalking your tweets on Twitter! 😉

  874. Mindy says:

    I am a faithful FB fan!

  875. Erin says:

    I am a FB fan! You are an amazing inspiration to me! Love everything you do.

  876. I Love the lisa leonard headband!!

  877. Mindy says:

    Love the Lisa Leonard necklace!

  878. Noemi says:

    Love the Jo Tote!!!

  879. Love TomKat on Twitter

  880. Noemi says:

    I'm a fan on FB

  881. Kerry says:

    I LOVE the Lisa Leonard necklace!!

  882. Kerry says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook!!

  883. Chadwick Family says:

    The JoTotes is my favorite!

  884. Chadwick Family says:

    I'm a fan on facebook of TomKat!

  885. Kerry says:

    I follow you on Twitter!!

  886. Spunky Junky says:

    Oh I love love love the Lisa Leonard necklace! I have wanted one for a long long time! Great giveaway it is soo nice and whimsical!

    spunky junky

  887. Spunky Junky says:

    I am totally a follower/stalker on facebook!


  888. Kat says:

    Whoa! Best giveaway ever! I love everything in the swag bag!!! Everything is super fun and swoon-worthy!

  889. Kat says:

    I am a TK follower on Facebook.

  890. Leah Harms says:

    1: The bag is fabulous but I also really like the necklace

  891. baba105 says:

    I love the necklace!

  892. Love the Whippy Cake headband in the swag bag!

  893. Leah Harms says:

    2: I'm a fan on FB!

  894. I “like” TomKat Studio on FB!

  895. baba105 says:

    I am a fan on FB and follow on twitter!

  896. Leah Harms says:

    3. I'm now following you on twitter!

  897. Mel says:

    All the times are just fantastic! No way to pick just one

  898. Mel says:

    I am a FB Fan!!

  899. Anonymous says:

    I really love the necklace! And my 4 year old daughter loves the headband!

  900. mariaek928 says:

    Been a TomKat Facebook fan for a while now! I so love the headband, just what a girl needs when the weather demands hats!!

  901. Andi says:

    i love the cookie! So simple yet fabulous!

  902. Rozey says:

    I'm a headband girl–but that cookie looks delish!!

  903. Debbie says:

    I ADORE the fabulous bag!

  904. Debbie says:

    I'm a facebook fan!!

  905. Lexa says:

    Love them all, but if I had to choose, it would be the headband! I would LOVE a Jo tote! I have needed a new camera bag for a couple years! January 27 is my birthday, what a great present that would be!

  906. what an awesome giveaway! the jo totes bag is my fave item!

  907. I'm a fan on facebook!

  908. I am an avid follower and fan on FB!

  909. Robin says:

    The camera bag is amazing! But I have to say that I do love the headband!

    I am a facebook fan!

  910. I love the Whippy Cake!

  911. amanda says:

    TomKat! I already follow Facebook!

  912. amanda says:

    TomKat I follow you on Twitter!!

  913. amanda says:

    I love the necklace!!

  914. I'm following on twitter!

  915. Leslie says:

    Right now I'd like the cookie! 🙂 I'm already a fan on FB and I'll know follow on Twitter.

  916. tking says:

    I am a fan on face book 🙂
    everything is wonderful.
    I think I like the headband the best!

  917. I love the Lisa Leonard necklace! Super cute!

    mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

  918. following you via twitter @azmarry

  919. Trisha says:

    already a fan on FB, just joined you on twitter and I love, love , love Lisa Leonard necklaces.

  920. Sarah says:

    I love all the products, but I've been dying for a headband from Whippy Cake!!!

  921. Sarah says:

    I'm a follower on facebook!

  922. Sarah says:

    I am now following you on Twitter!

  923. My favorite item in the swag bag is the Lisa Leonard necklace. We just found out we're expecting our last baby, and I totally want one of those necklaces!

  924. I'm following on Twitter!!

  925. Carie says:

    I am a fb fan! I love the whippy cake head band! I bought one for my baby at a boutique and love it. Now mommy needs one!

  926. Angie says:

    I'm a fan on facebook!

  927. Lexi says:

    I'm a FB fan!

  928. Angie says:

    I love, love the headband.

  929. Lexi says:

    My favourite item in the swag bag is the cupcake cookie! And of course I'd love the camera bag for my third child…my Nikon!!!

  930. karissa says:

    My favorite swag bag item is Whippy Cake, I love their new collection!!

  931. karissa says:

    I follow TomKat on facebook!! Thanks:)

  932. Karenj says:

    I follow you on FB and read your blog!!! I would love to win that awesome tote, her bags are so creative, my NEW camera would be quite happy in it, I think. Hope I'm not too late to enter… Thanks for the chance!

  933. I love, LOVE the Lisa Leonard necklace!!

  934. Erika says:

    The cookie looks adorable! I'd love to taste my competition!
    Also love the new Tomkat logo!

  935. I follow you on Facebook 🙂

  936. Julie says:

    I ♥ the cupcake cookie!

  937. I follow on Twitter too!!

  938. Erika says:

    Long-time Facebook fan!

  939. Julie says:

    I LIKED you on facebook

  940. Julie says:

    Following on Twitter!

  941. Jess says:

    I love my Whippy Cake, but I NEED a Jo's Tote!

  942. Jess says:

    I “like” you on Facebook!

  943. Jess says:

    I follow TKS on Twitter!

  944. Amanda says:

    FUN!! What a wonderful and generous giveaway. 🙂 I am digging the Jo Totes bag. I've had it on my wishlist since before Christmas (but didn't receive one). I'm not giving up. I would LOVE one!! Thanks.

  945. Amanda says:

    I follow TomKat on FB already. 🙂

  946. Amanda says:

    Now I follow TomKat on Twitter. (How did I miss doing that before??) @AmandaLCarlson

  947. brenna k says:

    I'm a fan on FB!

  948. Brenna K says:

    I follow on Twitter too!

  949. Brenna K says:

    All the items are wonderful! Love the necklace!!!!

  950. Dajon says:

    Oh, and of course I'm a fan on Facebook!

  951. Dajon says:

    Ooh, I love it all!

    I'm excited to see what this new TomKat logo is all about…ooh la la…exciting!

    And I just recieved my first Whippy Cake order today, so I'm totally loving the applique.

    But seeing as how I'm an Army photographer, that camera bag would totally jazz up my boring digs!!!

  952. Tanya Schiller says:

    Love the Whippy Cake headband!

  953. Kelly C says:

    I absolutely love that necklace – what a great item to have. Of course, the whole swag bag rocks!

  954. Kelly C says:

    I'm following on Twitter now.

  955. Kelly C says:

    Just liked TomKat studio on facebook! Thanks for the opportunity!

  956. jen h. says:

    adore the headband

  957. jen h. says:

    I follow on facebook!!!

  958. jen h. says:

    I follow on twitter!!!

  959. Shannon says:

    I'm already a fan on FB! Love, love the swag bag! How cute! I love all the goodies inside!

  960. mary kathryn says:

    love the LL necklace!

  961. mary kathryn says:

    I'm a fan on facebook

  962. mary kathryn says:

    I follow on twitter!

  963. Tanya Schiller says:

    I'm a FB fan too now!

  964. Crystal says:

    My favorite item in the swag bag is definitely the Jo Tote!!

  965. Crystal says:

    Follow on Twitter (@lanakalanalou)

  966. Danielle P. says:

    I love the raspberry camera bag!

  967. Lillian P. says:

    I am a FB fan! I love the headband. It would look so cute for my daughter's birthday party coming up soon.

  968. CIndy says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  969. CIndy says:

    my fave would be the rose bag!

  970. tricityty says:

    My fave is the lisa leonard necklace!!

  971. tricityty says:

    I am a FB fan of TomKat Studios!

  972. Jannell says:

    I love the Whippy cake headband!!!

  973. Jannell says:

    I'm a facebook fan for sure!! 🙂

  974. I am a facebook fan! I love all of your collections!

  975. I am a twitter follower! <3

  976. I love your new logo on the mirror!

  977. The Griffins says:

    I love the whippy cake headband!! I follow you on Facebook and on my husband's twitter.

  978. Jodi and Co. says:

    I love it all! But I really want the Jo Bag 🙂

  979. Jodi and Co. says:

    I am a Facebook fan!!!

  980. I'm one of your LOYAL Facebook Fans. I love everything in the Swag Bag, there all my favorite!! I would love to win it!!

  981. I'm a blog follower and fan of TomKat on Facebook!

  982. Chris Zeller says:

    I like the necklace!

  983. Chris Zeller says:

    I'm a fan on Facebook.

  984. I'm torn between the oober cute headband and the lovely necklace!

  985. I am a happy Facebook fan of TomKat!

  986. I am a fan on Facebook!

  987. Oh, I follow you on Twitter, too!

  988. I LUV the Rose Bag in Raspberry by Jo Totes! Afterall, MY name is JO! And, it's my Fav Color, too!

  989. So hard to choose my favorite in the bag – I love all of it! If I have to pick a fav, I think the Whippy Cake headband (but again, I love it all). Thanks!

  990. I follow TomKat on Twitter, too! 🙂

  991. Kelly says:

    I'm a Facebook Fan

  992. Kelly says:

    I follow on Twitter!

  993. Kelly says:

    To much to decide, but I love the cupcake! maybe the headband! too many choices, I love it all!!!!!

  994. Mikki says:

    love the lisa leonard necklace. too simple and cute! pretty cookie too though! would love to win that tote, the colour is to die for! x

  995. Meagan Paullin says:

    I love the Lisa Leonard necklace 🙂 So pretty!!!


  996. Abby says:

    The swag of the bag itself! 🙂

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