We have a winner!
COMMENT #138 – Leilani Brooks!
She said “This completely made my day. 8 months pregnant, having just moved and achy all over, nothing calmed me down more than seeing this. I love cupcakes. So incredibly cute. Thanks Tomkat for putting this up. You always showcase the best stuff. I am now a fan of Peter Pauper Press. Love their journals.”
Well thanks Leilani! We hope this last month of your pregnancy will be more relaxing for you with all of your fun new items! Please contact me at toni@thetomkatstudio.com to claim your prize!
Happy Friday! We are so excited about this fun giveaway and we know you will be too! One of my earliest readers, Heather designs for Peter Pauper Press. She was excited to see their “Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake” journal featured in my “Gifts for Cupcake Lovers” in our Holiday Gift Guide. I had no idea it was a project she had worked on! She emailed me and said that the collection always reminded her of me! Sweetly, she mailed me a package of goodies from the collection and also offered to do a giveaway for one of our lucky readers!
This week’s giveaway includes:
Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake :: Journal, Boxed Notes, Bookmark & Gift Bag
The Sweet Little Book of Cupcakes
Cupcake Thank You Notes
Cupcake i-Clips
Here is how to enter:
1) Browse Peter Pauper Press and leave a comment below letting us know what your favorite product is.
2) Become a fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook. Leave us a comment below letting us know that you’re a fan!
3) Are you a fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook? If not, become a fan! Let us know that you are a fan by commenting below!
Good Luck!
Winner will be chosen on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 11:00pm (MST). Any entries received after this time will not be considered. Open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen using random.org. This is a sponsored post. The TomKat Studio may have received payment and/or products in exchange for promoting.
Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to our email list to keep up with our latest projects, listings, blog posts and giveaways!
Such a huge fan of TomKat Studio…love your work so very much! I hope you use you for my son’s birthday party this summer and love seeing pictures on Facebook of all of your party ideas….amazing!!
I have been lovin’ looking at all of youe SWEET idea. You are so creative. I wish I had the courage to just get out there and do what you do.
I LOVE the cupcake stuff!!
I “Like” TomKat Studio on Facebook!
Found you on facebook… and now I am a fan. Love your sweet ideas1
I loved seeing this in your gift guide – my fave product on Peter Pauper Press is the Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake journal! It’s such a pretty gift!
Of course I’m a TomKat fan on Facebook!
I’m loving the Alphabet Soup Thank You Cards over at Peter Pauper Press!
I liked Peter Pauper Press on FB
I liked TomKat Studio on FB too!
Again, only US residents. It’s the world wide web!
I love the the Keepsake books, specially the Motherhood isn’t for sissies.
I already like The TomKat studio on facebook. I love getting your daily posts.
I am now a fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
There are lots of great things on their sight but I don’t think it gets better than “Keep Calm, Have a Cupcake” Journal… my fave!
became a FB fan of Peter Pauper Press
Already a TomKat FB fan!
I love the Dusky Meadow Address Book… I prefer having my addresses WRITTEN as opposed to stored on the computer or iPhone!
(So sad… I got off facebook so I can’t “like” anything on there!)
The travel guides look very cool but I love the Almond Blossom items.
tomkat fan!
love the keepsake books
I love the scratch and sketch books. My 7 y.o. would really enjoy them.
oh my! GREAT giveaway… and, there is so many COOL things on Peter Pauper! all the papers? the calendars? the journals? to die for! but, if i had to pick just one item, it would have to be the Nantucket thank you notes! gorgeous!
i am now a fan of peter pauper press!
and, how come i wasn’t already a fan of TomKat? well, i am now!
I love the Bedtime Shadow Books for kids. I have never seen anything like that. What a great site…Thanks for the giveaway!
The new Orchid collection is beautiful! Fun stuff!
Oh…my heart is racing with happiness, this is one of my fav. sayings!!! You made my day=)
I love the butterfly stationary set!
I follow TomKat on facebook.
I liked Peter Pauper Press on facebook too.
I really like the Scratch & Sketch Books, and it’s a nice touch that they are also available in Spanish.
I love all the cupcake stuff! So cute!! But I also think the “Ultimate Life Organizer” is a cute idea since I am a BIG “to do list” maker and love keeping organized!!
I am in love with the Spring Orchid Collection- Everything is so pretty~
I already am a follwer of TomKat
Became a fan of Peter Pauper
My favorite product is the ACADIAN TAPESTRY BOXED DESK NOTES.
I have been a fan of TomKat Studio on FB for a while, and just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press. I LOVE the cupcake stuff and the journals they have!
I’m a fan of Tomkat Studio on Facebook.
Hi!! I really like GOT KIDS? GET ORGANIZED personal organizer from Peter Pauper Press. So Awesome!!!
TomKat FB fan!:)
Peter Pauper Press fan:)
I love the Keep Calm and have a cupcake stuff they are excellent. They would be perfect for everything i do with Cupcakes By Dee. Thanks. http://www.facebook.com/cupcakesbydee
Im a TomKat Studio Fan on FB , and a fan of Peter Pauper Press. I LOVE THE PERSONAL INTERNET ADDRESS & PASSWORD ORGANIZER
I’ve been a fan of TomKat on FB. I just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press. My favorite product they sell is the super cute 2012 Shoe Calendar. (I am also in love w/ their Celtic designed items).
I am already a fan of TomKat on facebook
I “liked” Peter Pauper Press on facebook
I LOVE the “Motherhood is Not for Sissies” keepsake book!
I just became a fan of PPP. Love the boxed notes.
I became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB! Love it!
Im a HUGE fan… have been for a bit! Love your stuff!
PPP – Im now a fan! Love this book and the “motherhood is not for sissy’s” hehe – we all know this to be true!
Fan of PPP on FB and I love TomKat…b/c of you my daughter is going to have a FANTASTIC 8th birthday!
I could use those Mommy Organizers that they have, but I really like those Little Black Travel books – I know a friend that would go Ga-Ga for them!!
Ohmyword! I love all of their things! The cupcake line is PRECIOUS
I became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!!! Love all of their super cute products!
I’m now a fan of rifle paper on fbook!
I am a friend of TK on FB!
I am now a friend of Peter Pauper on FB!
I love the Have a Cupcake stuff, especially the boxed notes. And I really enjoy checking our TomKat studios for ideas…
And I’m a fan of TomKat on fb too!
I am a new fan of yours on FB and CAN NOT WAIT to plan my daughter’s first birthday with the help of all your ADORABLE ideas and print outs! Let the fun begin!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE “The ultimate life organizer”! I think I will be ordering when it comes back in stock on his site!
I like the journals. I am a fan of TomKat on FB
Happy weekend!
I am a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB now!
I am a fan of Peter Pauper and Tomcat. I like the cupcake journal
OMG – My friend & I make cupcakes together – this would be SOO fun to win!!
i checked out Peter Pauper Press & LOVE the thank you note card set with the cupcakes! So fun!
I like Peter Pauper Press on FB!
I’m already a fan of yours on FB!
I love the Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake journal- I am a journal keeper at heart!
Oh wow, I just saw some of these in a local store tonight! Sooo cute! I love the Orchid collection on Peter Pauper press – orchids are one of my favorite flowers.
I am a now a fan of Peter Pauper!
I am also a follower of TomKat Studio on FB.
The Ultimate Life Organizer is something I could totally use right now! Life has become very hectic and organization is key. I’m always looking for a better way to stay organized.
LOVE LOVe this. So cute
fan on fb!
I am now a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB.
Already a fan of TomKat on FB.
fan of ppp on fb!
love the cupcakes collection, orchids and life organizer!
Love the shadow tapestry gift pen the best…
Became a fan/liked PPP on Facebook
Fan of both and LOVE Keep Calm….Have a Cupcake….I tell my Mother-in-law that all the time….
I’m a fan of TomKat Studio
fan of TomKat on FB
just became a fan of ppp on FB
I love that journal, and that adorable stationary! Eeeeeee, please pick me!
I love all of the note cards offered by PPP
I’m on fan of TK on facebook!
I just “liked” PPP on fb!
fan of TomKat!
fan of PPP on facebook!
ever since you featured the cupcake journal – i have been eyeballing it, too. perfect gift for my daughter!
I love all of your stuff and these giveaways- I am obsessed with the Keep Calm and Carry on stuff! I also “like” you guys on facebook.
I like PPP on facebook too!!!!
I love the Stay calm and have a cupcake! My thoughts exactly…I also liked their paper doll books, magnet games, book lights, journals….So much to choose from.
I like PPP on FB!
I’m a fan of TomKat on FB! Love u!!
I love cupcakes and I love pink – so this set is perfect in every way! My second favorite item at PPP is the kid’s scratch sets – especially the fashion one!
I have become a fan of PPP on facebook!
I have long been a facebook fan of TomKat Studio!
I am a fan of tomkat on fb
I love the paperdoll books…..precious!
So many awesome items to choose from and right up my ally since I love books and stationary type items. I would have to go with the Italy Travel Guide because one of my favorite people may be studying abroad for a year and I think it would come in handy!
I’m a tomkat fan on fb!! I’ve been wanting a cutesy cute journal and this would be perfect!!
My favorite item is the ACADIAN TAPESTRY ADDRESS BOOK ! Super cute and matches my office decor!
I’m a fan of PPP on fb
I’m a BIG TomKat fan on FB and beyond!
I LOVE their Red Mom’s Weekly Planner! I think I need one now!!!
I’m a fan of PPP on FB now too, and I added their shop to my favorite sites! I will be visiting often, and this came at the perfect time…I’m redoing my work space!
I’m already a happy fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook!
I’m a new fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook.
I’m such a cupcake girl so the cupcake collection is my favorite!
I’m a fan of PP on Facebook!
I’m a TomKat fan on Facebook!
Love the Artisan Journals! Especially the Cherry blossoms!
That is the sweetest thing ever!!!!
It would totally match my website color.
It would be great to match my cupcake kitchen collection. sniff sniff
FB fan of yours!
I’m a fan of Peter on FB
I’m a fan of TomKat on FB
I’m a fan of Peter Pauper Press!
I like the pop purple butterflies journal. It’s so colorful and fun!
I’m a fan of the tom kat studio on FB!
Don’t think I could choose just one favorite – love the travel journals, gifts for kids, and mommy calendars. Great resource for gifts!
I am a fan of TomKat Studio!
My favorite is the keep calm and have a cupcake journal of course!
I love the new Orchid Collection. Orchids are one of my favorite flowers…so pretty!
I am a fan of TomKat on FB.
I really like the Orchid Address book-I need a new one, and I LOVE orchids, so it would be perfect
Hope I’m not too late to enter your fun giveaway! I really am glad I stopped by on recommend from the LPW Love giveawy because I never knew of your work before and really think you are fabulous! I wish you could host a party for me here in So. Cal! Really nice stuff over at Peter Pauper press, I spent way too much time browsing their large selection. I do love the thank you note collection in it’s entirety! The children Ready, Set, Draw book is very clever too! I fanned both you and Peter Pauper on Facebook! Thanks so much! -Ashleigh
Love the ACADIAN TAPESTRY THANK YOU NOTES (but really everything is really nice to have!)
TomKat Studio FB fan
fan of tomkat on fb!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
i love the little black notebook!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
This completely made my day. 8 months pregnant, having just moved and achy all over, nothing calmed me down more than seeing this. I love cupcakes. So incredibly cute. Thanks Tomkat for putting this up. You always showcase the best stuff. I am now a fan of Peter Pauper Press. Love their journals.
Hi Leilani! Maybe you don’t know this, but you are the WINNER of this giveaway! Please contact me asap to arrange for your prizes!
I love, love the keep calm and have a cupcake items! So adorable and sweet!
Of course I’m a FB fan of TomKat Studios!
I love the journal and the boxed notes equally!!
I became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
I’m already a fan of TomKat on FB!
Love the foldover journals. I have been looking for one of those for a while and I am so excited to know where to get one from now on. =)
Became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on Facebook.
Became a fan of TomKat on Facebook.
I am a fan of PPP on FB.
I am a fan of TKS on FB
It looks like I would love the Mom’s Weekly Planner
i love the owls and birdhouse journals!
and i am already a fan of TomKat on facebook
I really love the travel journals! What a great souvenir!
FLORA SKETCHBOOK is my fav item
like Peter Pauper Press, Inc. on fb teh doll
allready fan of the tomkat studios on fb teh doll
love the iclips! I’ve never heard of those, and I think I want to try them out! love it! But, really..the keep calm and have a cupcake really tickles my fancy!
i liked Peter Piper Press, Inc on FB!
I follow you both on FB. I think that Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake is my all time favorite. Thanks for the great giveaway!
fan on facebook!
There are tons of things I love at Peter Pauper Press. The first thing that caught my eye was the travel guide for New York since I will be heading there for a mini vacation this summer.
I am also a TomKat Studio fan on FB!
I’m a fan of TS on Face Book!
Hi ~ me again!
I just liked PPP on FB!
Hi ~ third time is the charm…ha ha. I like the Home Organizing Journal and I love the Lap Desk…but I also love the Cupcake set shown here…LUV it all!
I love PPP. I like to travel so I love the Little Black Travel Books. I also love the cupcake set.
I love this stuff~ it would be perfect for my daughter’s bday next month. I’m throwing her a cupcake themed party.
I like the paper dolls too!
I’m a fan of TKS on FB too!
I have always loved the Keep Calm and Carry On saying and all the fun stuff they have .
Then Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake is adorable. Love your website. Thanks for a great giveaway, Jan
I really love all their products…but I think the little Merci thank you cards are absolutely adorable!!
Fan of TomKat studios on Facebook!
I am a fan of TomKat & Peter Pauper on facebook. My favorite item on their website is the asian birds compact calendar for 2012!
OMG, how do you choose a favorite with all those lovelies! I adore the travel guides and love the idea of the house and home organisers, I’m afraid at the moment The Divorce Organiser would be used most
followed by the kids organiser. I am a follower of Tomkat studio and Peter Pauper Press on Facebook.
Thank you xx
I LOVE the keep calm gift bags! I always have gift bags on hand for any occasion that I need to gift! I would add these for sure to my stock!
I am a fan of TK on FB!
I am a fan of Peter Pauper Press now too!
The Orchid collection is so sweet and the kid organizer!! Thank you for sending me to Peter Pauper! I am now a fan
I have been a TomKat fan for some time now and I’m very glad about that too
Thank you! Brenda
Hello! What a cute little gift set. I browsed through their website and as I new mommy I LOOOVEEEE the
butterfly mom’s weekly planner! It defintely would make my life so much easier if I could keep track of all the appointments and classes on paper. :o)
New Orchids Collection!!!!!!
Became a fan of Peter Pauper on facebook!
I am a big fan of TOMKAT STUDIO!!!!
Huge fan of TomKat studio.. and now a fan of Peter Pauper Press! I love all the designs they have for the locking journals.. they are fabulous!!!!
I love TomKat studios and I am a fan on FB
I have become a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB
my favorite item of Peter Pauper is The keep calm series.
I am a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook
My favorie Peter Pauper Press items ate the Cupcake series!
I am a now a fan of Peter Pauper!
I like you too on Facebook!
Love the cupcake stuff! How cute!
Thanks for sharing
I LOVE the travel series. Have used them before and they really do come in handy!
Love the Alphabet Soup products on the Peter Pauper website! It’s a simple design but has a wonderful pop of color!
THe kids magnetic playset books are so fun!
Of Course I am a huge fan of TomKat Studio on FB. Just liked Peter Pauper Papers on FB. Now to decide on what my favorite product is…..hhmmmmmm. It would be toss up between the Diet Journal/Calorie Counter or the Little Black Travel books. I think I will go with the Little Black Travel Books. Thanks KIM for yet another great giveaway!!!!! Don’t you just love your job
I LOVE the cupcake thank you cards! I am already a fan of TomKat Studio on FB, and just Liked PPP on FB!
Wow! first…what a fab blog! Second..Hi! I’m Jenny! One of the designers behind these Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake designs.
What a fantastic giveaway!! We are so thrilled to be partnered up with Peter Pauper Press. These products are really lovely in person. Great quality!
Happy to have been sent a link to your blog!
Good luck to everyone!!
Happy Blogging!!
xo Jenny
Love the Got Kids? Organizer
Like Peter Pauper Press on Facebook (Kimberly C)
Like – no, LOVE – TomKat Studio on Facebook
I’m a fan of TomKat on Facebook
I LOVE Keep Calm and Carry On..but Keep Calm and Have A Cupcake is brilliant:) Oh, I need this so much!
I am a FaceBook fan of TomKat:)
I am now a FB fan of Pete Pauper Press:)
OMG awesome giveaway – why? because I am a cupcake fanatic!!!!
i am already a fan of both facebook pages – and – i totally love the new orchid collection on the website – perfect to get us in the mood for spring!!
Smaira x
Cupcakes are my weakness so I have to say the “sweet little book of cupcakes” is definitely my favorite! So hard to choose, everything is adorable!
I just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
I am a FB fan of Tom Kat Studios!
I like the Orchid Lap Desk!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Fan of TomKat Studio on FB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I would take that journal everywhere!
I’m a fan of TomKat already on FB
I am a fan of Tomkat on Facebook! Love the status updates!
My favorite item is the Keep Calm and Carry On journal. As a college student it’s a daily mantra.
Fan of Peter Pauper Press
Fan of TomKat Studio
I’m in love with the travel guides…too cute!!!
My favorite is the “Keep Calm & Have a Cupcake” Journal.
I love all the cupcake items! Totally cute!
I love the What’s Cooking: My Recipe Journal. So much fun stuff on their website!
I love the new Orchid collection and all things cupcake related!
Fan of Peter Pauper Press!
I love the pink journal. Definitely need a daily reminder to keep calm and eat a cupcake. LOL.
I love this cupcake collage of awesomeness!! The story of my life
Just relax and have a cupcake! Makes the whole world line up right! 
I browsed the Peter Pauper website and I think my favorite product would have to be the Journal “Memories for my Grandchildren”. We recently filmed a short video of my grandparents telling us all the stories of their childhood, dating, and marriage along with words of wisdom they could leave us for a lifetime! This journal is AWESOME!!
I am also a fan of Facebook of both Peter Pauper and TOMKAT studio!
PLEASE choose me for the giveaway
Love all the cupcake prints
facebook tomkat
facebook peter pauper
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I have been a fan of yours on Facebook for a while!
I love The “Got Kids Organizer” and all of the “Keep Calm and Carry On” products
The cupcake line is very cute, love all the products
Thanks for the chance to win!
It would have to be one of the journals but I cannot decide which one I like best!
It’s such a beautiful collection! Thanks for the chance to win one – I especially loved the thank you notes – and for the link to Peter Pauper Press, they have gorgeous things! Of course I an a fan of yours, have been for a while now
and now I’m also a fan of them!
I heart cupcakes!!! exspecially PINK cupcakes. I went on Peter Pauper Press and became a fan! I love everything that you can do with cupcakes….they just make this girl smile!
Love the Small journals in Island Pink and Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake! Another favorite is the zebra monogram journal….Love, Love, Love!! <3
Huge fan of TomKat Studio – love everything!!
I LOVE the “Keep Calm and Have Cupcake” Line. All of it is so cute!! Great stuff on your blog too!
Thanks for the chance to win!
The Little Black Travel Books are my all-time favorite product of Peter Pauper Press!
I am a big fan of TomKat on FB!
I’m a new fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
I like the folk art birds calendar!
I’m a fan of TomKat Studio on Facebook!
I”m a Fan of Tomcat…LOve the Butterflies NOTES…SO CUTE!!
I’m a FB Fan Now W/ Peter Pauper Press…
Awesome!! LOVE!!
I like the Ultimate Life Organizer!
I like Pete Pauper Press on Facebook. Anne Loyd
I like TomKat Studio on Facebook!
I am now a fan on facebook!
I love the “Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake” gift bag…how cute would it be to wrap someone’s gift in that!!
With our first baby in due in June, I have to say I love the baby books and journals!
I am already a Tomkat facebook fan!
Just became a FB fan on Peter Pauper Press!!
I love the little pink book of etiquette
I’m a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB
I’m also a fan of Tom Kat Studio on FB too!
I love the new orchid journal!!
– i am now a fan of tomkat studio on FB
– I am now a fan of peter pauper press on FB!
I love all the party circles!! I just found your shop through a friend and I love all the party ideas!! I can’t wait to browse some more in the esty shop. I also just became a fan on fb.
of course i LOVE the cupcake journal!!!
i am a tom kat fan on FB!
I love the ultimate life organizer!
i am a fb fan!
Hola!! Im a fb fan for Tomkat! Fabulous!
OOo… my New Years resolution is to get fit, eat healthier & the fabulous Diet & Fitness goal journal would be perfect to keep me on track & away from those cupcakes…. I got to focus-focus-focus!!
I love all things cupcake!!
Fan of Peter Pauper on FB!
TomKat FB fan!
Love the whole cupcake like!
I love the Disney World stuff.
I love the Mommy organizers from Peter Pauper Press
I have become a fan of Peter Pauper Press on Facebook!, great stuff!
I’m now a Fan of The Tomkat Studio!, I already was and I looooove all the stuff in the shop!!!
I like the Ready, Set Draw boks
I like you on FB
someone gave me the have a cupcake pink notebook last february for my birthday and it’s in my purse 24/7! once it’s used up, i would love another from this collection, like the butterflies journal!
Hi there,
I have been trying to plan my daughter’s first cupcake birthday party and came upon your website. Great stuff and became a fan! Thanks for the tips! Also a peter paper fan too! his kids stuff is great!
I love the Keep Calm & Have a Cupcake products! So cute!
I am a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook!
I am a friend of tomcat and peter pauper press on facebook! I would love to be able to use the travel guide for Maui that they have listed on their site….someday!
fan of tomkat of fb
fan of peter pauper of fb
story of my life . . . LOVE keep calm and eat a cupcake
Love the Paper Doll Sets on Peter Pauper Press. How adorable for my little girl!
I am now a fan of the site
Jeanine McLeod
Ohh!! So lovely! I think my favorite is the cupcake journal!!
I’m following Peter Pauper Press on FB
Now following Tom Kat Studio on FB! Thanks for the chance to win such a neat prize
Wow, what a great giveaway! I love pretty much everything on Peter Pauper Press, but if I had to narrow it down, I like the Mom Weekly Planners the best. I am all about organizing my life and time.
And I follow Peter Pauper Press on FB.
I follow you, too! Thanks so much!
I love the Keep Calm and Carry On items at Peter Pauper Press. So bright and funny!
Will be a fan of Peter Pauper on facebook!
I became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on Facebook!
Ooo I need this. I had a cupcake and feel better! Thank you and your creations are beautiful! Would love to win! THanks for sharing!~
Mom Planner AND the Little Black Book of Disney!!! There are so many great things!!!
I’m already a HUGE fan of TomKat Studios on Facebook!
I follow Peter Pauper Press on FB.
Fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB and TKS on FB, I LOVE everything cupcakes, the keep calm and have a cupcake stuff rocks! I also LOVE that its pink !!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Ladybug Thank You cards! Too cute and I am always looking for new and cute cards to send with my client’s photos!! Great giveaway!
Fan of Peter Pauper on FB!
I love everything! But most of all, I would love to win this cute little collection so that I can donate it to the silent auction being held for Kate McRae. :o) <3
AVID fan of TomKat on FB!!! <3
fan of tomkat of fb!
yay for giveaways!! i love the bedtime shadow books….soooo cool and especially the owl one is awesome!!!
I browsed Peter Pauper Press and I love the oversized journal – PERSIAN SPLENDOR JOURNAL! Amazing!
I like Peter Pauper Press’ Orchid collection. It reminds me of a cherry blossom tree outside my house.
I am such a sucker for stationary, etc. I love the NANTUCKET THANK YOU NOTES!
i am a HUGE fan of tomkat on fb AND now…am a fan of peter pauper too!!!:)
I like the 2012 BUTTERFLIES MOM’S WEEKLY PLANNER and the cupcakes!!
LOVE the orchid collection
I like TomKat Studios!
I become a fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook! Woo-hoo!!
I now also like PPP!
The cupcake Thank You cards are adorable!
Of course I’m a fan of TomKat – that’s how I found out about this fab giveaway! You rock!
I love them all, but I found the Disney black book to stand out.
Who doesn’t love disney?!?! and to have a guide for all the parks and recreations and so cute too I mean it’s perfect!
I’m a new fan of Peter Pauper Press, Inc. on Facebook!
Long term fan of The TomKat Studio on Facebook!
my favorite product is the keep calm items. I didn’t know there was a calendar. i am thinking I have to order one.
I am a fan of Peter Pauper Press on facebook!
As always…a TomKat Fan! Love this collection!
I am a fan of Px3 (PPP). Great Stuff!
I like Peter Pauper Press on Facebook.
Foldover journal
I love the mom weekly planners. Super cute. The cupcake stuff would be an adorable party!!! Love your blog. So many cute ideas!!!
I love the underwood monogram journal!
I love the cupcake stuff! and I love tomkat studio! Liked them on FB long ago!!
But of course I am a fan of TKS! Always!
I like TomKat Studio on FaceBook.
Goodness, there are too many things to love on this website!
I’m loving all the Christmas books, the thank you notes are delightful and
I’m loving the Bon Vivant calender for next year!
Will surely be ordering some
wonderful things from that site.
huge fan of TomKat Studio on FB
Of course I’m a fan of TomKat Studios on facebook! I also love your Etsy store! Love your photography by the way! Very colorful and fun!
I absolutely LOVE the Bedtime Shadow Books! My little girl loves playing with flashlights and would be thrilled to help in bedtime storytime by shining her flashlight while I read to her!
I like Tom Kat Studio!
I became a fan of Peter Pauper on FB!
I love the Life Organizer by Peter Pauper Press and I also love the orchid collection – beautiful!
Already a huge fan of TOMKAT STUDIO!
Love the Many Thanks Thank You Notes
I love the organizing books at Petter Pauper Press! bmcafee@ymail.com
I already am a (huge) fan of TomKat Studio!!!!
I am already a fan of TomKat Studio! Love it!
I love Peter Pauper’s blank notecard sets and the Scratch & Sketch items for kids!
I have been a fan of Peter Pauper, thanks to you
I shared the Friday Peter Pauper giveaway on my Facebook and tagged you in it
I LOVE the cupcake stuff. One of my new favorite sayings!
Oh, and I’ve been a fan of TomKat for a couple of months now
Love you! Brenda bmcafee@ymail.com
LOVE all of your stuff. I purchased my daughters 3rd birthday decorations from you and it came out beautifully. I will be purchasing her next party through here also
Hi Kim! Totally a fan of yours and i LOVE anything cupcake!:)
I now LIKE Peter Pauper Press on facebook!
I’m a fan of The TomKat Studio on facebook!
Loving the new site!
I am absolutely hooked on this blog!! Everything on here is absolute ADORABLE..
Fanned Peter Pauper Press on FB and am a HUGE FAN of Tomkat Studio- love love love your daughter’s fairy party pics. There are so many great items on the Peter Pauper Press site – I like the keepsakes books, Motherhood is not for sissies, the pink little cupcake book, the kids drawing books and the Keep Calm and Carry On Journal!
I love the wildflowers journal…and I think the ticket stub organizer is genious! Love it though…ever since I was little I have had a fascination with journals…even if I didn’t write in them! <3
I “like” Peter Pauper Press <3
I am already a fan of your’s on FB <3
I love all of your posts and pics!!! I just recently bought my own “Keep Calm and Have Cupcake” book:)
How do we pick just one thing we love from Peter Pauper Press? I have the butterfly journal and love it. Huge fan of the whole “Keep Calm” line. All of their products are fantastic. As are you! I love your site and am a fan on Facebook.
I’m a fan on fb
I am a fan of Peter Pauper on FB
I love the oversized journals! So great!
I am a fan of tomkat on FB
I’m totally a fan of Tomkat on FB!
I think the kids Bedtime Shadow Books are amazing!
I’m a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
I am in LOVE with the “Shoot for the Moon” Journal!! It is my favorite saying ever!!
I am a fan of TomKat on Facebook!!
I am also a fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook!!
I like the new orchid collection! Beautiful!
I am a TomKat fan on FB!
I liked PPP on FB!
I really love the SHADOW TAPESTRY THANK YOU NOTES. Black and white is so classy!
I like TomKat on facebook!
I like Peter Pauper on facebook!
1. I’m with you, I dig all the pink cupcake items esp KEEP CALM & HAVE A CUPCAKE JOURNAL.
2. I’m a fan and “like” Peter Pauper on Facebook!
3. And def of course a fan of The Tom kat studio.
I am a fan of PPP on Facebook.
I am a fan of TomKat on Facebook.
I love the Little Black Book of Walt Disney World
I love the Acadian & Shadow Tapestry Boxed Desk Notes! I’m also a fan TomKat Studio on Facebook
I love the Travel Books! I wish they had The Little Black Book for Germany because my little sister is traveling there next summer and it would be a great gift to send her off with. Well, I suppose I will just have to plan a trip to Paris since that book is availble!
I’m also a fan of both pages on Facebook
love the diet and fitness journal as well and the cupcake journal! kinda cancels each other out, huh?
fan of Tomkat on FB!
How precious! I just love everything. Makes it so hard to choose for my daughters birthday without over doing things with too much going on! I guess that’s a good problem to have!
I am your fan on facebook! Read your blog daily! Love your ideas
This gift would completely make my day! I love everything about TomKat studio and have had several friends add you on Facebook. Thank you for the inspirational party ideas!
I absolutely live all the creativity that goes on around here!
Cupcakes and calmness r right up my alley!
Thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos and ideas.
I heart tomkat!!!!
I would like an I-Lite and I also think the Diet and Fitness Journal would be a useful item.
I’m a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook!
My fav items on Peter Pauper Press! would have to be the stationery products and the All about Baby books.
Big Fan of yours!!
I like “The Little Black Book of Walt Disney World”. We are going this summer and I think it will make the perfect item needed to keep organized.
I just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press.
I’m already a huge fam of TomKat Studio. Getting ready to start my daughters birthday with her.
I love both you sites lots to see and learn That’s what I love about your site you give me the stuff that allows me to put together my own great party.. Thanks………Love it………..
Love the cupcake stuff! Is there anything better then a cupcake?!
I’m a fan of Tomkat Studio!
Just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on Facebook
I just “liked” peter pauper press, great stuff.
I’m a fan on FB of Tom Kat, love your stuff.
I honestly love the cupcake goodies best! I’d probably choose the owl thank you notes next.
I am now a fan of Peter Pauper Press on facebook. {Laura Marie}
I am already a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook, of course!
I love the yellow flowers journal, so bright and fun!
I am already a fan of TomKat Studio
What amazing products from Peter Pauper Press! I love the bedtime shadow books. What a creative and FUN activity to do before turning your little one in for the night!
I am now a fan of Peter Pauper Press
I’m a fan of TomKat! Love your ideas!!!
I am in LOVE withthe cupcake collection! I make custom cakes, cupcakes and cookies-and so this collection is so me! I would love to have the notecards and finally get in touch with some friends that I need to catch up with after the holidays!
I just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on Facebook!
my nickname is the cupcake queen i would love to have this
I just browsed the Peter Pauper Press website and realized that I’ve had a couple of their datebook/planners for the last two years! Love those! Just the right size for my purse and no spirals to catch on anything!
I am and have been a fan of Tomkat studios! Love them!
I’m a fan on facebook and also a fan of cupcakes!! These items are so sweet!!
Love the giveaway!! My favorite items are the organizers, especially the “Got Kid’s, Get Organized”
i am in LOVE with that journal!!!
Just “liked” Peter Pauper on facebook!!
I am a FB fan of Peter Pauper Press
I am a FB fan of yours too!!
I love the scratch & sketch! Everything is great. The travel guides are awesome!
I’m a huge fan of The TomKat Studio! I “like” you on facebook!
I “liked” Peter Pauper Press on facebook!
My wife would love the cupcake items and I like the scratch and sketch for my kids. Great giveaway.
Thank you.
Everything is just adorable on Peter Pauper Press. I’d have to say I love the cupcake thank you cards!
I’m a fan of TomKat on Facebook! Love all your cute stuff.
Just became a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB. Thanks for introducing them!
I love all the cupcake stuff and I am a fan on facebook!!
My favorite product has to be their mom weekly planner!
I’m a fb fan of TomKat studio!
OMG! I don’t think I have seen so much cute stuff in one place! I love your products, especially all the pink!
I must admit! It’s so so difficult to pick a favorite! But I would have to say I’m so very close to buying both “The Little Pink Book of Elegance” and “The Sweet Little Book of Cupcakes”
Absolutely adore them BOTH!
Oh! Also, I have just become a fan of Peter Pauper on Facebook!
And of course I’m a fan of you guys, TomKat on Facebook
(sorry, wasn’t sure if we were supposed to leave 3 separate comments! This all just looks so perfect, I would LOVE to win it!)
I am a huge TomKat fan and now a big Peter Pauper fan!!!! I love the kids items.. I have to say a few of my favorites are the paperdoll books, water magic and good to go book… Thank you!!!
I love all the cupcake stuff. I am a fan of Peter Pauper and TomKat on Facebook. Keep up the cuteness!
I’m now a fan of Peter Pauper on FB and already a fan of TomKat on FB! I love Peter Pauper’s brainiac books for kids. I need to get the road trip one!
Fan of both on facebook
ANYTHING cupcake – Love the “keep calm have a cupcake” theme. What a great idea!
I’m a cupcake queen myself. I love the cupcake products!
I “Like” them on facebook!
I “like” you on facebook too!
I like the little pink journal of Etiquette!
I am a fan of TomKat on facebook
I’m a big fan of the TomKat Studio. Peter Pauper Press has great stuff…Once I found the “Keep Calm” themed series I was hooked.
I’ve been a fan of TomKat Studio on facebook since forever
I love this saying, even have a blog post about it!
I am a fan of TomKat on FB!
I am a fan of Peter Pauper Press on FB!
Love the “Got Kids? Get Organized” organizer!
love the 2012 mom’s 18 mo weekly organizer in spring garden the colors are great
I like “peter pauper press” on FB
I like tomkat on FB
i wish there was a “love” button
Peter Pauper has some amazing stuff! I’m really liking the new spring orchid collection, but that keep calm cupcake one is too cute!
I would love PP diet calorie journal. That would probably inspire me to lose some weight.
I am a fan of PP on FB.
I have been a fan of TK on FB for a long time now
The TomKat Studio is Perfection! You inspire me always with your beautiful, sweet, classic and modern designs! I love the {Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake} Theme as well! Cupcakes… Sweet & Simple!
I am a fan on facebook of the TomKatStudio!! I love all your party ideas!!!!!!! I absolutely love PINK and love cupcakes!!! The Peter Pauper press made some really really cute products!!!! Love Love Love them!!!
Love the bedtime shadow books . Ia fan on face book of the Tom Kat Studio!! Also a fan of Peter Pauper on face book. thanks for the giveaway
I’m a huge fan of tomkat!
I am a TomKat Studio FAN on Facebook!!!
Im not a fan of peter pauter and tomkat studios. Im so excited i am going to accidentally leave the cupcake images up on my facebook so my boyfriend can figure out what to get me hehe.