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{TomKat Studio Update} Epcot Food & Wine Festival for HGTV!

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printable quote by creative kristi

I am heading out later week to the Disney Epcot Food & Wine festival to represent HGTV! I will be giving presentations all weekend on holiday entertaining. Come see me! I am so excited for an amazing weekend, but also very nervous. I had an interesting chat with my friend, Shelley the other day and she was surprised how nervous I was before the classes that I taught at TCCE. She said that she would have never thought I would be so nervous, just based on my personality she knows from the blog. But here’s the deal friends, most days I work at home all day by myself on my computer {which I absolutely LOVE!}. If I’m not designing, writing or editing photos, I’m out styling or prop shopping. I love my “job” and that I am able to work from home on my own hours. It is out of my comfort zone to speak in front of people. I was the nervous nelly in my college public speaking class who had to start over multiple times after forgetting what I was supposed to say. But the thing is, the more I do it, I know the more comfortable I will become. And now, rather than talking about some random topic in college, I’m talking about what I know and love. That has to make it easier, right? I know I need to challenge myself with opportunities that may be out of my normal comfort zone. The feeling of accomplishment is so amazing when you’re done and you know you did a good job. It’s just the part before, where my stomach is knots and I’m asking myself, why the heck am I doing this?

So, with that my lovely readers….please…

Wish me luck!

October 25, 2011

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  1. Eunice Lee says:

    Sending my prayers your way 🙂 I wish I could go to the festival to hear you speak! I love your work 🙂

  2. Alexia says:

    Good luck Kim! You don’t need it though..YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!

  3. Laura says:

    What an awesome opportunity! I’m sure you’ll be amazing!!! Break a leg! (and I mean that in the best possible “good luck” sense of the phrase) 🙂

  4. Laura says:

    You are going to rock it, Kimmi! Big hugs! xoxo

  5. Best of luck Kim! You will be amazing as always!

  6. Ally Jean says:

    So excited to meet you! Been looking forward to your seminar at EPCOT since I moved down here!

  7. sunny says:

    Good luck. I’m sure you’ll blow them away just like you always do. Just talk like you blog and everyone will love you.

  8. First: Thank you so much for putting my free printable up on your blog-that means a lot! Second: You will be AWESOME & just think-most of the people are there to see you! & if they aren’t then you probably won’t ever have to see them again 😉
    Good Luck & have fun!!

  9. Ashley says:

    I was at EPCOT food & wine festival the last 2 weekends. If I would have known you were going to be there I would have waited. 🙂

  10. Kim, I am so with you on this subject. I would rather dance in front of a crowd than give a speech. Practice does make it better though (so they say ; D). Good luck & have fun!

  11. Heather says:

    How fun! Good Luck!!

  12. Best of luck Kim – I am doing a presentation in a few weeks also and I find it so out of my comfort zone – you would never think that I was once a aerobics instructor and stood up in front of people everyday and made them run around! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Leanne xx

  13. I can completely relate to being nervous to present! As a teacher, I stand in front of children all day long and present what I know best and it never bothers me. To get in front of my peers…well, that is another story! I once had a principal tell me that I had to get out of my comfortable little box and PUSH myself to do things that make me uncomfortable. I have never forgotten those words and know that in order to be successful, I need to PUSH myself! It is normal to be nervous! Remember, these people are in awe of YOU and your talent. You are a celebrity in their eyes. Go out there and SHINE! I always write the words…”She believed she could, so she did” on a little piece of paper and put it in my shoe. I swear, it gives me SUPER POWERS! You are FABULOUS and that will shine through! Good luck! 🙂

  14. You’ll do great. My husband always used to say when he first started speaking publicly years ago was to picture your audience naked. It takes all the fear away!!

    Go get em!!!

  15. Heldine says:

    You’ll do fine! 🙂

  16. Heather G. says:

    So, I’m late but I just wanted to say that you are amazing!

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