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Happy Birthday Kate!

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kate stoegbauer birthday parties

I can’t believe it. Our baby girl is FIVE today! She is our sweet (and sometimes sassy) little princess who is pure girly girl. She loves pink, ruffles, cupcakes (frosting only), Ariel and Justin Bieber. She is very particular about what she wears. She only wears dresses and she prefers hand-me-downs because they are so soft. If she I let her, she would wear a pettiskirt to preschool everyday (but we only allow that on special days like today!) Her room has to be completely picked up before she can go to sleep. We’re not sure if that is an OCD thing or because she is stalling. She loves to sing and actually has a really beautiful little voice. She loves dance and is definitely not cut out for soccer (but she sure did look cute on the field!). She loves her daddy, mommy and her big brother, Tommy. We’re so proud of the little lady she is and we can’t wait to celebrate her 5th birthday this weekend!


1st birthday :: Cupcake Party
2nd birthday :: Lollipop Party
3rd birthday :: Fairy Garden Party
4th birthday :: Glamour Girl Party

Party Design – Kim Stoegbauer, The TomKat Studio

March 27, 2012

Post Date:

  1. Happy birthday Kate! What a sweet girl. Can’t wait to see what the party girl and theme looks like this year. Have a wonderful time!

  2. What a lovely description of your little sweetheart!!

  3. Megan says:

    Such a sweetheart! Happy Birthday. I’m the same way about cleaning before bedtime…except now it’s the whole house..lol.

  4. Mindy says:

    Happy Birthday! Can’t wait to see the fab party you’ll whip up!

  5. Jill R. says:

    Happy Birthday beautiful Princess! My little man turns SIX tomorrow. Amazing how time flies!
    I too can’t wait to see pictures from her party! Congrats Kate, and mommy too!

  6. Katy says:

    Happy Birthday to little Kate! She is growing up so fast!!!!

  7. Tina Dahl says:

    My Kate (along with her twin brother) turns 6 on Thursday! Happy, happy birthday Kate and continued success to you and your staff Kim! Your beautiful, sublime designs are so inspiring! Can’t wait to see photos from her birthday! Cheers 🙂

  8. Happy Birthday Sweet Kate. I can’t believe I don’t know you as a big girl 🙁 Need to make that change. xoxo

  9. Beth Bell says:

    Happy Birthday, Kate! I can’t wait to see the mermaid party! My daughter is turning 5 in June and mermaids is all she’s talked about for over a year now. Have fun!

  10. Kim says:

    LOVE the age progression photo up top! Happy Birthday Kate!

  11. APRIL C. says:

    Happy Birthday to your little one!

  12. Wendy says:

    How beautiful! Can’t wait to see the party pictures!!

  13. Michele says:

    Happy 5th Birthday to Kate! She’s precious!

  14. Alicia says:

    Happy Birthday Kate!
    So precious! I’ve loved each birthday Mommy has shared! What a blessing she is-and what a blessing you are! Happy 5 years-can’t wait to see what theme is in store this year!

  15. renee says:

    Happy Birthday to your little 5-year-old … I have three little girls and my oldest, age 10, is our little singer. She performs solos in chorus and is getting bigger roles in musical theater productions now that she’s older. Encourage Kate by enrolling her in theater productions for her age, and in children’s choruses that perform for the public. Now that’s she is 5, there will be many opportunities for her to express herself and her art (her voice!). And who knows, you may have a future star on your hands! And even if she decides not to go that route, she will be comfortable speaking in public … always a plus!!!

  16. Celia B says:

    Happy Birthday Kate! Your daughter and my son Austin share the same birthday! He is 15 today. Enjoy her, as time rushes by very quickly!

  17. Natasha says:

    Happy birthday to your little girl!!!!!!!
    She is so cute!!!!!

  18. Stephanie says:

    I knew we had alot in common…my “baby” Charlotte is 4 years old today!! I love your website and ideas…you have my dream job and I hope one day to be part of a party styling team! i use your printables at almost every party I throw…we are having a Barbie Glam birthday this weekend for Charlotte and I am so excited! love your website…great ideas!
    Happy Birthday Kate!

  19. Thea J says:

    Happy Birthday to your daughter. I am sure she will have a great celebration. I love you site!

  20. Lauren says:

    Happy Birthday to your little lady today! I can’t wait to see the pictures from her party…I’m sure it will be amazing as always.

  21. Clyona says:

    :Happy Birthday to your little princess. Yes they do grow up so fast. Can’t wait to see her party. Have a fun time.

  22. Vivian says:

    Happy birthday to your beautiful Kate. I can’t wait to see her gorgeous party that her fabulous mommy is styling for her. Have a great time.

  23. Ashley says:

    Happy Birthday Kate!

  24. Kirsten says:

    How time flies! Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl <3

  25. kate says:

    happy birthaday to your cute baby girl!! wish she are healthy and happy everyday! 🙂

  26. This is such a sweet post!! Happy birthday to your sweet, beautiful girl! (She and Leila sound verrrrrrrrrry similar, by the way!)

  27. Toni K. says:

    Happy 5th Birthday to your baby girl!!! I can’t wait to see what party details you came up with and what items you used for this event. I am sure it will be absolutely fabulous.

  28. Kim says:

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Kate is so excited for her party!

  29. Jana Maciag says:

    Happy Birthday Kate!!! My little one Ana Sophia turned 4 this past February and her party was inspired on Kate’s Glamour Girl Party. Can’t wait to see Kate’s 5th birthday party.

  30. amanda says:

    Aw, Happy B-Lated Birthday pretty girl!!

    They grow so fast!!

  31. Stephanie says:

    Five is fun, isn’t it? Our oldest is 5 1/2 and we’re really enjoying her ever-emerging personality.

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