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Win a Nokia Lumia 1020 :: Fabulous Giveaway

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Good morning, friends! It feels great to be back at my desk and ready to get caught up on everything we have going on here at The TomKat Studio. To start, have you guys seen this commercial for the Nokia Lumia 1020? My kids think it’s hilarious and had me watch it a couple weeks ago. Pretty funny, huh? Well, ironically a few days later I was contacted to try out the amazing Nokia Lumia 1020 Smart Phone and to give one away to one of our lucky readers!

Is it a phone? Is it a camera? Well, it’s both. The Nokia Lumia 1020 Smart Phone has a 41 megapixel (yes, I said 41) camera and it is incredible. I don’t know about you, but most of the photos I take now are with my phone. It is so perfect for capturing special moments without lugging around your DSLR.



As you may know, I currently use an iPhone5. Here’s a little comparison of the camera function. Please ignore the lighting on these shots (these are straight out of the smart phones), but notice the difference in the depth of the shots. The Nokia Lumia shoots like my DSLR would, with the mug up front in focus and the background blurred slightly. The iPhone photo is flat. The Nokia Lumia allows you to adjust settings as you would on your DSLR, like exposure, white balance, ISO, shutter speed and more.


I am having so much fun getting to know this new camera. Most of my phone photos need some editing before sharing or posting so I tested out the Nokia Creative Studio App on the Nokia Lumia. (free) I’m in love with the “Seashell” filter. Take a look…


I can’t wait to spend more time learning all of the amazing features of the Lumia 1020. I had lots of fun customizing my “start screen”…and the tiles can be set up as slideshows and “live tiles” for your social media streams. Amazing. 

photo (77)

For easy entry to WIN a Nokia Lumia 1020, please use the Rafflecopter widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Our Nokia Lumia 1020 Giveaway ends this Friday, 10/18 at midnight PST. 

Don’t Miss This…

nokia take two contest

Nokia is giving you the chance for a photo do over. Just submit your blurry, dark, or otherwise failed photo moment and you could win the chance to have Nokia recreate your epic moment again and this time capture it with the new 41 megapixel Lumia 1020.

Click here for all of the Take Two Contest details!

Hurry! The Nokia Take Two Contest ends at midnight TONIGHT!  


October 16, 2013

Post Date:

  1. Louly says:

    I would love to win because (as you’ve shown) the camera is to die for!

  2. Louly says:

    I subscribe to your blog 🙂

  3. haley forman says:

    what an awesome giveaway! would love to win!!

  4. Kristin says:

    Nice comparison with the pictures! Just shows that you don’t need to spend $500 on a good phone with a camera – especially if you win it! 🙂

  5. Mike says:

    What a great giveaway! And the commercial is hilarious!

  6. Caradith says:

    I would so love this phone. I got a new phone and this came out the next month and I was so mad.

  7. Rebekah says:

    I’d like to win because I have a new nephew!

  8. Rebekah says:

    I subscribe to the TomKat blog.

  9. heidi says:

    OMG…..I have not heard of this! What a great product! I have a new baby and almost ALL my photos are used with my iPhone. But seeing the comparison, WOW!!! I would love to win this!!!

  10. DOLORES FALCON says:

    What an awesome giveaway.

  11. Deb says:

    Seriously. This camera and phone rock it like a microwave. I have a huge need for both a camera and a new phone and envy you for having this beauty for your own.

    Treat her right.


  12. Christina says:

    I am an apple person but after seeing the clearness of the pics on this Nokia.. I would love to win this beauty..

  13. Erika says:

    I would love to win this for the fun features!

  14. JESSICA MORRIS says:

    what a great giveaway!!

  15. What a sleek and functional camera! Would love this for on-the-go travel.

  16. Pam says:

    I would love to win this awesome phone! The photo’s are amazing, so much easier than carrying your camera with you all the time!

  17. danielle says:

    love the quality of the camera!

  18. Pam says:

    I subscribe to the TomKat blog!

  19. Lauren says:

    I haven’t gotten a new camera for like 4 or 5 years and would love this one!

  20. Katie says:

    Great giveaway! The difference in photos is amazing!

  21. Lauren says:

    I subscribe to the blog!

  22. Brooke says:

    Great giveaway! 🙂 I subscribe!

  23. Natalya says:

    I love your blog & hope to win so I can photograph my new baby.

  24. lesley says:

    i take photos constantly. i have a booth in a shop in our town where i sell my handmade items so i like to photograph the booth as it changes, as well as specific items, for my facebook page. i also have two crazy cats that are always doing something that warrants photos! (and one of those photos has been chosen for a page-a-day calendar next year!)

  25. Suzze says:

    I also have an iPhone5, but those pics look super! I’d love to win!

  26. Elizabeth says:

    This looks so nice would love to own it.

  27. Catherine CR says:

    That camera. . Oh man. I am not an apple girl, and not due for an update for a while and would live to get my hands on 41 mp of awesomeness! Thanks for the chance to win!

  28. Robyn says:

    Would love to win this! Never heard of this before! Thanks for the chance!

  29. Gina says:

    I love it- I sort of have a camera obsession & my current phone takes the worst pictures ever.

  30. Madeline Mason says:

    I broke my nice Galaxy, and I think that this would be a great replacement! Especially since money is hard to come by these days! 🙂

  31. Pablo Garcia says:

    I love it! I want to do a lot of photos with it!

  32. Liz Cogswell says:

    Wow! I love my iPhone, but those are some great pictures! Thanks for the opportunity.

  33. Elizabeth says:

    Email subscriber

  34. Deana says:

    I would love to win this camera as I do not own a camera and my phone camera sucks. Plus, this looks really cool!

  35. I’d love to win a new phone. Love ur blog have subscribed to it long ago . Love ur posts.

  36. Christie Ryan says:

    I currently use an iPhone, and the camera is ok, but after seeing your comparison pics, wow the Nokia blows Apple outta the water! So the camera feature would definitely be a reason I’d love this phone!

  37. Margie P. says:

    I could really use this for the camera! There is so much quality packed into such a tiny little package!

  38. Jen magana says:

    I would love to win this! 41 megapixels…wow!

  39. This is an amazing give-a-way! Top notch camera phone!

  40. Laura W says:

    Great commercial and a great phone! After 2 years with the Iphone 3, I’m ready to move on and up! Can’t wait to try it……and love your blog and shop. Yours is my go to whenever I need a party idea!

  41. Ashley says:

    i’d love to win because baby number 3 is coming in January and needs to have his/her picture snapped… A LOT!

  42. Carrie whitlock says:

    Fun, fun giveaway!!! Having a great camera phone is the best way to capture every day moments that otherwise get forgotten:-)

  43. Jess Z says:

    I have been looking at one for a few weeks now. I primarily look for camera capability and want the best camera available on my phone. I really want the Lumia! 🙂

  44. Sharon says:

    Love it!

  45. CArol says:

    I would love to have this phone to shoot photos. It looks so lightweight and your photos are amazing! 41 pixels?!

  46. Annette says:

    I don’t have a smartphone – never have had one – so to have this one as my very first would be incredible. It would more than make up for lost time.

  47. Debbie says:

    I would love not to have to lug my camera around, but don’t want to miss any photo ops either! THis is a great solution, i love the results.

  48. Erin G says:

    Looks awesome! Would love to win 🙂

  49. Michelle says:

    I would like this phone to take pictures and it looks easy to navigate.

  50. Elenora says:

    I would love to take better pictures of my daughter with this awesome smartphone camera!

  51. Elenora says:

    I subscribe to your blog!

  52. Jean Marmion says:

    OMG!! I have wanted this since it came out. My daughter just got one and it is phenominal! You are absolutely right . . . it is almost as awesome as a DSLR! My daughter is majoring in photography (and a Verizon Wireless Manager) so she knows her phones AND she has high expections and is in love with it. I am just starting out in the BLOGGING world and only have my iPhone and a digital camera so I would LOVE to get something like this to improve my photos for the blog . . . Thanks so much for the opportunity! (Plus I have a brand new granddaughter that I’m crazy in love with and photographing constantly :))

  53. Katrina says:

    I would love to win this! I would primarily love it for the camera <3 I love taking great pictures of my todder twins and this would make it so much easier! It would also benefit my pictures that I post on my baking business facebook 🙂

  54. Nora M. says:

    I would love to have this as my handy go-to camera

  55. Katelyn H. says:

    I would love to win this! We are in need of a new camera to capture lots of memories. 🙂

  56. Chrystal Caudle says:

    We are in “want” of a smaller camera 😉

  57. jules p says:

    I need one because my phone is horrible and a piece of junk. I can take pictures with it, but they are awful. and it is just not good. (fingers crossed)

  58. Shannon says:

    I am shopping for a new phone (my first smart phone) so this would be perfect timing!

  59. Christeen says:

    Very cool combination of a phone and camera!

  60. Jenelle says:

    Just had baby #3, and this would be perfect for capturing pics on the go!

  61. Renee says:

    It would be really nice to have something small to carry around that allows me to adjust settings like a real DSLR. Plus, the iphone is really bad in low light.

  62. Paulina says:

    Wow 41 megapixels! That’s just amazing!!

  63. Laurel Rosa says:

    So glad to hear about this new phone/camera. I had been wondering.

  64. Maria says:

    I would love to have a small but amazing camera like this to catch great shots of my two children.

    Thank you!

  65. trisha m says:

    I would LOVE to have this to replace using my iPhone4 (yes 4, no 4S and no 5)!!! It would be awesome to have for shots at my 7yo’s baseball and soccer games as well as capturing special moments for me 12mon old!!! 🙂

  66. Sue says:

    Would love w new camera to take pics at all our family gatherings

  67. Diana Berns-Zylstra says:

    I would love to win the Nokia phone as my current phone has very limited photo capability.

  68. Anna V. says:

    I love taking pictures of my family, friends, and life. Would love to have one of those phones with that awesome camera!

  69. Katie S says:

    I would love to be able to take better and more focused pictures of my son . I am always snapping photos with my cell phone and to be able to have an amazing camera double as my phone would be awesome !

  70. Christine K says:

    I would love this phone because I simply do not use my very nice expensive camera like I would want to. I always have my phone, not my camera.

  71. Brittany says:

    Because the camera is amazing, plus I love the layout and colors!

  72. Bessa says:

    Would be awesome for me as I have a ton of kids and my photos currently die on my DSLR because I never get them off of it to post/share.

  73. charissa says:

    addicted to taking photos on my phone, this phone would be awesome for my addiction!

  74. Wendy says:

    My boyfriend just got this phone a few weeks ago. The camera totally puts my iPhone 5 camera to shame! It’s amazing!

  75. paula says:

    I love my DSLR but its big and bulky and hard to tote around for those impromptu candid shots of my daughters while we are just out and about. Looks like the Nokia Lumia 1020 would be the perfect solution 🙂

  76. Sarah Trout says:

    I’m running my first half marathon in January and I would love to carry such a small camera to document my run! I like to use my phonem but my running app turns off when I take a picture for some strange reason! Found that out the hard way! So cute!

  77. Jill says:

    I’d love to win this camera! Especially the yellow one 🙂

  78. Melissa says:

    I need this to take more (and better!) pictures of my kids!!

  79. Ashley says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! There is nothing I love more than reading you blog and taking pictures…maybe I can win the best of both my favs! Thank you!!

  80. Teresa Lawrence says:

    Now that we have a kid in the house there is ALWAYS something to take a picture of!!!! It would be FABULOUS to win this!!! I am drooling already! 🙂

  81. Megan says:

    I need a new phone and this one looks AMAZING.

  82. maria chamorro says:

    this looks amazing. I need one!!!!

  83. Melanie Simpson says:

    Wow! What a difference between this phone and the iPhone! I’d love it to take pics of my little ones!

  84. I sell online and do childcare and capturing the items I sell and the awesome stuff my kids do on the spur of the moment would be awesome. Thanks. I hope I win. 🙂

  85. I subscribe to your blog. Love reading your posts.

  86. Dianne Morelli says:

    LOVE THIS!!! so much fun so easy and compact to bring around everywhere you go!

  87. Jamie says:

    I would love this as my new go to camera!!!

  88. Susie P says:

    What a cool phone! I would love to upgrade!

  89. Sonya Scott says:

    Love the camera features. All I do is take pictures of my littles, so having this to keep in my pocket would be wonderful!

  90. Sonya Scott says:

    I subscribe.

  91. Claudia Esqueda says:

    Would be so awesome if I won!

  92. Abby R. says:

    Love the Nokia commercials… but wondered just how good the camera would really be. Thank you for sharing your analysis 🙂
    Also, I would love to have this phone to prove to my niece that as great as the IPhone is it isn’t the be all and end all of phones!

  93. Susan s. says:

    I would love to take more photos of my family.

  94. I actually need a new phone and camera so I’d love to win!!!

  95. mary jo says:

    Want a new camera; desperately need a new phone . . . . pick me, pick me!!

  96. Tina Dahl says:

    Would love to win this great phone!

  97. Gina says:

    It’s time for a new phone….how cool would it be to win one!

  98. jan says:

    I’d LOVE to win so that I could take better pictures of my family.

  99. jan says:

    I subscribe to thetomkatstudio.com and LOVE!

  100. Jerri Crabtree says:

    I would love this because it is little and weighs less, I can no longer lug my camera around as I have rheumatoid disease, which affects my joints with pain, swelling, and deformity. Would be synch a treat!

  101. Katie says:

    That camera looks like a lot of fun!! I would love to win it!

  102. Sarah Brown says:

    A BIG FB fan and follow you=)

  103. Yvonne says:

    I have a question. If someone win this cool Nokia Lumia 1020 Smart Phone, who is the mobile contractor? (Verizon, ATT&T, or Sprints, etc)

    • Yvonne says:

      Still with my old cell from 2010… not even close of anything like smartphone or blackberry. And it’s about to died… aaaaaaah!

  104. sydney85 says:

    I will be travelling quite a lot and this would be perfect to pack!

  105. Jessica Schleede says:

    I would love the Nokia because my iphone is broken! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  106. Cindy H says:

    I’d love to win this!

  107. Monisha says:

    I would love this bc my phone just died!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. This would be perfect to carry around in my purse. I don’t even have the iPhone 5 and while I think mine takes OK photos, I would love to be able to take better ones!

  109. Cindy D, says:

    Oh, how I would love to win!

  110. Brei H. says:

    I am a subscriber!
    Great giveaway 🙂

  111. Kendle Davis says:

    Considering I no longer use a digital camera (my phone is way more convenient & filled with over 3500 pics!) I would love to give the Lumia a try!

  112. Jo says:

    Love this! This would be awesome to take pics of my girlies 🙂

  113. Kelly says:

    Would be so great for those times I don’t want to bring along my Nikon DLSR … love this blog

  114. Claudia says:

    I would love this because I also use my phone to capture moments in my sons’ lives and want those memories to be as well captured as possible!

  115. Kathleen Regan says:

    Can’t wait to see it in action!

  116. Kelly Gyles says:

    I was interested from the moment I first saw the commercial. Would LOVE to win this and start experimenting with it!

  117. Abby trapp says:

    Would love to win!!

  118. Siegal Eli-GErs says:

    Need a new phone and a great camera, this would be awesome!

  119. Tahnee Davis says:

    Wow!! That is an awesome camera! I have been wanting a quality compact camera to take in my purse, instead of lugging around my dslr. Thank you for the giveaway!! It would be awesome to win!!!! 🙂

  120. Sandra says:

    This looks like the perfect camera to carry in my purse

  121. Samantha HOlt says:


  122. Michelle says:

    Love it!

  123. Katherine J. says:

    I would love to give this as a gift to my mom for Christmas.

  124. Julie says:

    my phone is on the fritz and I do not want to have to buy a new one yet this would be awesome heard it is fabulous:)

  125. Sarah says:

    I would love to win the Nokia!!

  126. Amy says:

    This last year I got a Nokia phone and really love it but it would be awesome to get the new Nokia!

  127. Nitin says:

    I Love Windows 8. I love taking photos and would love to be able to capture every moment on this awesome Nokia Lumia 1020 when I celebrate 10 years of marriage along with 2 funny kids!

  128. Wendy Orme says:

    I need a new phone anyway (don’t even have a smart phone) so it would be fabulous to win one!

  129. Hali says:

    I’m constantly taking pics of my child and kids I work with. Life is about making memories and I’d love to have a phone like this to capture them!

  130. katie moore says:

    To take more pictures of my lovie!!

  131. Devyn says:

    what an amazing giveaway! thank you for the opportunity!

  132. Jenny B says:

    I’d love to win because I’m not so big a fan anymore of my iPhone with the software upgrade.

  133. Debbie Owens says:

    Oh, I would love this! I’m iPhone-less!

  134. Cindy says:

    Just love all the great things you create. Very easy to translate into everyday activities and parties. Thanks

  135. kesha says:

    I would love to win because I am in need of a new phone! My phone is not a smartphone!

  136. Caroline ivory says:

    The camera is why I want it!!

  137. Karyn says:

    This camera looks awesome and I totally want it because I need a video camera to video my family!

  138. Nancy Veitenhans says:

    I’d love to win to take better pictures of my son. Much like you, most of my pics are with my cell. I have an iphone 4 with unlimited data but my carrier requires you to move off the unlimited plan if I upgrade my phone. So, I’d rather have a great reason to switch my phone/plan and this looks amazing.

  139. Julianne says:

    I love to take pictures but have never had a good camera! I’d love to win this!!!!!

  140. Beth Beal says:

    Wow, this looks great! Thanks for the opportunity!

  141. Colette says:

    The days of small cameras are gone – it’s all about a great camera/phone!!

  142. Missy says:

    I would LOVE to win!!

  143. Shelly says:

    I want this because I dropped my current phone and have a cracked screen and the camera isn’t working properly!

  144. michele F. says:

    Would love to win this so I can take great pics all the time without having to carry my heavy DSLR!

  145. Karen says:

    Looks like a great camera/phone. Would love to win!

  146. Jessica b says:

    Great giveaway. I love the commercial too!

  147. Ruth says:

    This looks like a great phone!

  148. Mandy says:

    The commercial was fabulous…I would love to have one of these phone/cameras!

  149. Jacquie says:

    I love your blog. I read it all the time!

  150. Rhonda says:

    I LOL at the commercial cause that’s me at my daughter’s soccer game… far away but cropping photos to look like I’m in on the action!

  151. Lindsey says:

    I love the commercial for this phone.

  152. Bev says:

    Thanks for the chance to win. Sure would beat taking pictures with my old Blackberry!

  153. Lillian says:

    I would love a Nokia Lumia because I love the picture quality and the sleek design. I still lug around a small snap and shoot and I do not have a great phone that takes decent pictures. I know it’s sad!

  154. Beth pianezza says:

    I love your blog!

  155. Trish says:

    Love how small it is to carry around to take pics of my girls!

  156. Amy w says:

    I would love to win this, so I could use it on the go to take great pics of my 3 fabulous kiddos!

  157. Heidi Parizeau says:

    The Nokia would be a blessing! My 2 year old won’t look at me if she sees my camera or phone so I have to stay far away and almost all my pictures are fuzzy from zooming 🙁

  158. Andrea says:

    I hadn’t seen that commercial. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  159. Ragae says:

    I would love to win!! I am a single Mom that just started an online business to make ends meet and having a phone with great camera features would be a HUGE blessing for my business. Right now, my camera phone is outdated and I don’t have the funds for a new one! Thanks for this contest, y’all 🙂

  160. Kylie says:

    What a great giveaway…thank you!

  161. Cheryl says:

    Funny commercial! Hope I’m the lucky winner!

  162. Tina Refler says:

    Love your blog!

  163. trisha Jae says:

    I love the blog, thank you for giving us so much of your talents.

  164. Heather says:

    I love taking photos! Fun giveaway!

  165. Sharon Cochran says:

    Would love the chance to win this fabulous camera/phone. What a great tool to use for everyday family photos, business and travel. Love it! Great giveaway!

  166. Heidi c says:

    I love your blog and this phone looks amazing!

  167. Lana L. says:

    love the commercial and would love to try the nokia!

  168. Mary says:

    Wow, what a great camera/phone!!! That there is something this good and it has to share the same blog day with our previous idol Martha Stewart saying things about my bloggers, who have become some of my friends!!!!

  169. Dianne says:

    I Love your blog and all that I’ve learned reading it. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  170. Sean C says:

    Read your blog all the time! Love the esthetic of the phone and the picture quality seems fantastic. I’d love to have it so that I may take even more photos of my baby!

  171. Alina says:

    Great commercial! I’d love to be able to take great quality photos and this phone appears to be it!

  172. Cherie B says:

    Hoping to win the Nokia!

  173. jamie says:

    I would love to win one my camera recently stopped working and this takes much better pix than my current phone

  174. Kmn says:

    Agreed! I use my phone for all my Camera needs and would love one of these! Love all if your ideas too!

  175. I have never had a smart phone and want one that takes amazing pictures! My ipad 2 takes terrible pictures! Thank you!!

  176. Tylynn Gardner says:

    What an amazing phone! How fun would that be to have?

  177. Laurie Underwood says:

    Look at those great pics! Who actually uses a phone for a PHONE anyway? 😉

  178. jENNIFER says:

    What to say? Would be amazing to get one of those in my hands! Guess that would make my 8 month boy look directly to the camera for some cute pictures!! The desing and funcionalities seems to be some of the bests… well, we are talking about Nokia… Nokia is NOKIA! Who hasn’t used one don’t know what is missing! 😉

    • Jennifer says:

      I got sad right now… ‘open to US residents only’… didn’t noticed that… If I suddenly win (crossing my fingers for that) any chance to ship to Brazil? I pay off course the fees! 😉

  179. Karen says:

    It looks amazing!

  180. Angela says:

    41 Megapixels, wow! I would like to think that just by using the Nokia Lumia 1020 I will have photography skills!!!

  181. Steph F. says:

    This phone is amazing & to top it of, yellow is my favorite color!

  182. Susan Crabtree says:

    I would love to win! It would be perfect for work & family!

  183. Julie says:

    Nokia, my first cell phone!

  184. chrystal says:

    I would love to have a phone that took awesome pics so I wouldn’t have to lug my DSLR with me

  185. Bronwyn sternberg says:

    I would love to win this camera since I lost mine last winter and to have the convenience of always having a camera right there to capture lives special moments!

  186. kathleen says:

    love that commercial!

  187. Michelle Hayward says:

    I would love to win this to capture all my family memories, we have 3 kids. Thanks for the giveaway.

  188. Shubham Yadav says:

    Nokia Lumia 1020 is the must phone.
    if one gets this his/her ‘s life would be set.
    I just love this phone…..Awesome

  189. Angela says:

    I’d love this phone because I have an old, sucky phone.

  190. Leah says:

    Would love to try this new camera phone! Thanks for the opportunity!

  191. Shubham Yadav says:

    Forrrrrrty Onnnne Mega Pixel Whhhhhat are yooou takkking
    I want This Cameraa…… Wait Phone no Camera ok ok ok
    Just want this

  192. Jessica says:

    I would love love love to win this sweet phone/camera 🙂

  193. Massiel says:

    Would love to have this new phone! Thanks for this giveaway!

  194. Lauren says:

    Seems like such an amazing phone! Would love to use it to document my little family!!

  195. CanCan says:

    I use my phone primarily as a camera. I only text a little bit and rarely call people. This phone? was made for people like me. Nokia gets me.

  196. christina feldmeier says:

    I dig your blog! I’m an IG follower love seeing the pics

  197. Carrie says:

    I would love the nokia, not only because I need a phone, but because it also takes great pictures – which I do more of then talk on my phone :o)

  198. Kimberly says:

    Awesome phone!

  199. Carol Cotton says:

    New to your blog—like it!!! Have never had a “smart phone” but I sure would like one!

  200. christine t says:

    My daughter is wanting her first phone for her 16th birthday. This would rock!

  201. Sheryl Wu says:

    Love to win the Nokia Lumina 1020….I cant wait to play with this awesome phone and to take beautiful pictures of my lovely daughter.

  202. Kate Shelton says:

    I’d LOVE to take great photos on the go without carrying around my gigantic camera!! So awesome!

  203. Dee Parker says:

    I bought my current phone (a Nokia) in 2004!! I need a new one!

  204. Erika W. says:

    I already subscribe!

  205. Betty Baez says:

    I would love to win so i could take better mobile pics!

  206. Betty Baez says:

    Email subscribed!

  207. Julie Finch says:

    I would love this phone because I LOVE taking pictures so much!!

  208. I would love to have a phone with a great camera, it’s so hard to remember (or want to) carry around a camera everywhere – it’d be great to have a reliable phone that I can use to take, edit, and share photos with my friends and family

  209. Julie Finch says:

    I subscribe to your newletter too! 🙂

  210. Jennifer B says:

    The camera is amazing! That’s y I want one!

  211. Natasha says:

    I love taking photos with my phone and this one looks amazing! Also, I get your emails!

  212. Sabrina Yarsley says:

    Seriously, you have the best giveaways! Pooh on Martha, she never gives anything away ;D

  213. nativ says:

    i so want the nokia lumia im in photogrphy class in school and i think its be much easy to take photos with this phone(and i dont have phone i dive with my phone to the water) so i hope i win

  214. Lynette says:

    I have the lamest, prepaid phone and I would LOVE this phone!

  215. Donna K U says:

    Would love to win this phone. I think it may be time to move into the 21st centry.

  216. Cindy Irene says:

    Hope I win!

  217. Emily says:

    Would love a phone that takes great photos. No more dragging around the big DSLR in the diaper bag!!

  218. Elizabeth duran-smith says:

    I love your blog!! Would love to win a Nokia phone/camera!

  219. David E. Smith says:

    Would like to win the Nokia. Thx

  220. Dorca M. says:

    Seems like an amazing phone. I would be great for taking nice pictures.

  221. Jenny Christensen says:

    My camera on my iphone is broken!

  222. Jenny Christensen says:

    I subscibe

  223. Tracy T. says:

    I love my Nokia phone and would love to upgrade.

  224. Kimi says:

    I’m in need of a new phone

  225. william p says:

    i would love to have a new camera. but i can’t have it and a new phone. if i won i would be able to have both!

  226. Lisa says:

    Don’t let Martha get you down! #blogon :o)

  227. Jessica says:

    I would love to win this because I would love another way to keep up with my three crazy kiddos! 🙂 My iPhone is just not cutting it, camera-wise, that’s for sure..

  228. patricia says:

    i want this phone so bad!!!

  229. Shubham says:

    i really need this badly
    Its the best lumia phone
    4.5 inch display
    2GB Ram
    1.5Ghz Dual Core Krait
    And the best
    41MP camera (38 mp + 5mp pics are taken separate)

  230. Manda says:

    …because my crappy cell is always freezing up (very annoying when you butt dial someone and can’t end the call b/c its frozen!) shuts down randomly on it’s own. Best thing about having a Nokia Lumia, other than not having to deal with above) is easily capturing every moment of my little girl and boy.

  231. Jennifer Speed says:

    subscribed via email

  232. deana rogers says:

    would love to win this new phone sense mine is on its last leg. And would be great to start taking pics of the cookies I am starting to decorate

  233. Eric Risner says:

    My phone needs to be replaced. Thanks

  234. Doris says:

    It would be an awesome gift for my mom who can’t afford a new phone at the moment.

  235. Mariam says:

    I have had the same phone for a few years, and it needs to be replaced like yesterday! lol

  236. Linda says:

    It would be such a blessing to win! I want to use the camera so bad.

  237. Wade says:

    My wife would love this phone a lot.

    God bless!

  238. Elizabeth says:

    I’m always taking pictures with my phone, would like to win a Nokia lumia!

  239. Shubham Yadav says:

    becuase my old phone is very crappy the ear peice is damaged doesn’t read mp3 files and there is no camera in it.. i had used android but i like windows phone ,, i want this phone Lumia 1020

  240. Shubham fbs Yadav says:

    I am a big fan of Nokia Lumia Series and this phone Top’s them

  241. Jennifer Speed says:

    I would love to win this not only because of the camera but for the simple fact that its a Nokia. I love Nokia phones, in fact, my first cell phone was a Nokia and I had it for a long time, they are very durable and dependable.

  242. Anastasia says:

    I’d love this phone for a few reasons 🙂 One, I don’t currently have a smart phone! Two, it has a big screen that would be a lot easier for me to see than some others (I am partially blind :)) and Three, CAMERA!!! I love taking quick pics and uploading them to the ‘net, so this would be a perfect fit for me 🙂

    Thanks for the chance 🙂

  243. Jaime Marsceill says:

    I love taking photo’s especially of my 2 year old and don’t always want to carry around my big Nikon camera; this camera phone would be great!!!!!!

  244. Zsizsi says:

    Love your blog. I am a hobby chef and also a hobby photographer, have a huge ( and heavy 🙂 ) camera and a tiny old cellphone. Would be lovely to carry a small but professional device with me all the time.:)

  245. mokone says:

    i would love to use it wisely and take photos and use the stores to buy applications and softwares.

  246. E. Nadler says:

    The pictures are fantastic. Would love to give it a try. Thanks

  247. Kimberly Crocker says:

    I love everything which you give your stamp of approval. I am not one to enter these type of giveaways, but I love taking pics of my kids and would love to try it out!

  248. trisha Jae says:

    This Nokia Lumiais so hot, I would love to take all my pictures with it and but the big cameras away.

  249. Jenn w says:

    Thanks for the opportunity. I would love to win this phone!

  250. Jonathan Baker says:

    I’d love to win the 1020 for its awesome camera, of course! 🙂

  251. Rachel P says:

    We’re expecting our first baby next week, and I’d love to be able to take great photos of her, without having to search for the camera and make sure it’s charged every time she does something cute.

  252. Channing says:

    love taking pictures

  253. BETH PHIBBS says:

    Oh how I need this phone. I have an old iPhone that takes terrible pics. I can’t tell you how many precious moments I have missed of my sweet kiddos using this old phone. I have a SLR, but it is not always handy to have it with me. The Nokia would be awesome to have ready at all times! Wishing and hoping to win this little jewel!

  254. Tracy says:

    You have the coolest giveaways! Maybe someday I’ll win one. 😉

  255. Mary Happymommy says:

    I’d love to win because I don’t have a phone!

  256. Nicole Cole says:

    I would love to win this phone! I’ve had a broken screen on my outdated HTC phone for nearly a year and it’s so depressing to look at.

  257. Might be hard to believe but I do not own a phone. TRUTH. I have an Ipod which is how I get about but a real phone nope. So this would be BEYOND awesome crossing my fingers thks for the chance.

  258. Lorena velazquez says:

    Great phone.

  259. Rebecca Brewer says:

    My phone is on it’s last legs, as is my camera. I refuse to get an iPhone, it would make my boss too happy. This would be an awesome replacement!

  260. Mel D. says:

    I will only say this: 41 Megapixel camera!

  261. I’ve been thinking of getting a new phone especially one that takes great pictures since I’m always using my phone instead of the “big camera!”

  262. Megan Lucero says:

    I love this phone, so awesome!

  263. peggy d says:

    Wow! I love to see the comparisons! I would love to upgrade to the nokia lumia 1020!

  264. lisa says:

    I am currently taking pictures for a project 365. This would come in handy!

  265. Karami h. says:

    I would love to win! My phone has reached the end of its sad little life and I am counting the days until I can be done with it. The camera and its inability to save pictures properly is driving me crazy.

  266. Krista Stevens says:

    I would love to win one because I love taking pictures, and my husband would be totally jealous if I got one! haha! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  267. Laura says:

    Would really love the camera aspect of the phone so I can have photos of daily life not just special occasions.

  268. Michelle says:

    For the camera!

  269. Debbie W says:

    I need a phone w/ a good camera to take pictures while I am out and about, esp. of my great niece who is 5!

  270. Stephanie bean says:

    amazing giveaway….thank you tomkat and thank you Nokia 🙂
    this would make an awesome Christmas gift…only 68 days!!!

  271. Christina Z says:

    I love everything about this phone thank you for the chance

  272. Tina Mayo says:

    oh please …praying that i win..i have a piece of crap phone now…and I was praying I can make it out of my contract without breaking…please please ..keeping my fingers crossed ..Thanks at this awesome chance to win!!

  273. Brenda says:

    I would LOVE this phone

  274. Toni says:

    Thx for the opportunity!!!!

  275. Brandi says:

    It is time to upgrade and it would be a greaaaat birthday present 😉

  276. AlisonB says:

    what an awesome giveaway! I’m fascinated with the abilities of such a little thing!!!

  277. Fingers crossed!!!!

  278. Jeannine DiBart says:

    I would so love to win! What an amazing camera to capture just the everyday moments:)

  279. Brandy h says:

    I am in the market for a new phone, just don’t know where to start. This one sounds amazing!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!

  280. marcy says:

    awesome contest!

  281. christie darago says:

    I would love to win this! So cool!

  282. i am a camera phone junkie & NEEEEEEED this new phone….especially since i’m workin from an iPhone 4 😉

  283. Danielle says:

    I would love to win this phone! The phone I have right now has a very cracked screen and we can’t justify the cost to fix or replace it right now because it still technically works. I love using my phone to take photos of our 2 small children, so this would be perfect to have for that purpose! Crossing my fingers!

  284. Nisa says:

    Would love to have a smartphone that takes great photos!

  285. Andrea says:

    I take so many pictures with my phone now, this would be great!

  286. Freda brown says:

    Would love to win!!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  287. Suzanne says:

    Entered and excited!!

  288. Tina says:

    Great Contest!!

  289. elena says:

    It’s a beautiful phone

  290. Jubairrehman says:

    I love too much for your nokia lumia 1020 giveaway i best wishes for all

  291. christopher says:

    Would love to win such an amazing smartphone since unable to afford it due to unemployed situation.

  292. Aayush Pawar says:

    PleAse GiVe that phone tO MEEEEeeeE

  293. I love this phone ,and nokia smartphone are best for me ,the camera is awesome and amazing ,wish to win this phone and its my hope .i love this nokia lumia 1020

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