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Design Mom Book Giveaway…

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272_A Family Calendar. Photo Credit, Candice Stringham

My amazing friend, Gabrielle Blair just launched her first book today! Author of the popular blog, Design Mom and founder of Alt Design Summit, Gabby is incredibly creative and you are going to love her book, Design Mom: How to Live with Kids (A Room-By-Room Guide). It is filled with tons of inspiring home and organizing photos, and I am sharing a few of my favorites in this post. In addition to the gorgeous photos, I absolutely love how the book is formatted. Gabby gives us a room-by-room guide with simple snippets of how to make each part of your home functional and beautiful at the same time. The pages are filled with tips that you can read in minutes (who has time for more?) and the tips are illustrated with beautiful photos.  From creating a family calendar, to spotlighting your child’s interests in his/her room or figuring out how to artfully display your kids’ art, Gabby has so many tricks up her sleeve and she is sharing them all in this book! Lucky for you, we are giving a copy away!

design mom book

51_Design Your Living Room. Photo Credit, Tina Fussell

183_Furniture That Moves. Photo Credit, Candice Stringham

3D COVER. Design Mom Hi Res

Order your copy of the Design Mom book right here!

Want to win a copy?

Simply comment on this blog post and tell me what room in your house needs the most help!

Winner will be chosen 4/14/15.

Local in Phoenix?

Gabby is hosting a book signing on Wednesday, April 29th at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe! Details here.

Hope to see you there!

April 7, 2015

Post Date:

  1. Ashleigh says:

    My front room when you first walk into my house is a designated toy room and it needs so much help!! It has to look good because it’s the first thing you see, but still be inviting for all our little friends who stop by.

  2. sydney85 says:

    Love some ideas for children’s bedrooms to add their personalities.

  3. Lisa says:

    As much as I tried to keep the kid stuff contained to a box in the living room, it has taken over. It’s particularly hard to keep the kid clutter confined when you live in a four story townhouse!

  4. Looks like such an awesome book. I could really use this as we are getting ready to buy a fixer-upper and every single room will need some love 🙂

  5. Jessica says:

    Our master bedroom needs the most help. We’ve tried to keep it our sanctuary, but the kids love to play on our bed, get into my closet, and just enjoy being in our room. Needless to say, they bring their messes into it too. I would love to have a room that looks pleasing to our adult eyes, but is welcoming for the kiddos as well.

  6. Casey says:

    We need help in our bathroom. One tiny bathroom…5 of us to share it. Could definitely use some inspiration!

  7. Laura says:

    My master bedroom needs the most help of course because as a mom we worry about everyone else. I wouldn’t have it any other way!!

  8. Julianne says:

    Our basement!!

  9. Rachelle Chavez says:

    We have a small “family room” off of our kitchen. It needs help really bad! I was using it as my kids toy room but now that they are 6 & 7 I feel like its time to move their toys into their rooms and create this space into something else……possibly a “home office”. I have no idea where to even start!

  10. Bianca Andrea says:

    my room, big closet but yet packed to the gills!

  11. Jenelle says:

    My master bedroom…of course!

  12. I’d love help in our family room!

  13. Mindy says:

    My bedroom!

  14. Audrey says:

    It’s a toss up between my bedroom and my office/craft room.

  15. Marilee says:

    My family room/play room!! It has so much potential, I just need a vision!

  16. Karen says:

    Our office/guest room.

  17. Stefanie says:

    My studio/work from home office is the most desperately in need of some tlc.
    Love the look of the book, and a kindle version would be perfect.
    Thanks for the chance to win, even for internationals.

  18. Lauren K says:

    Every room!! We bought the houss when I was 6 months pregnant and now I have a wild 10 month old with only one room that’s mostly (kinda) furnished.

  19. Camilla K C says:

    Really need ideas for the kids rooms

  20. Alisa W says:

    our entryway needs a desperate makeover. 4 kids, 7 and under, makes for a lot of “stuff ” that needs to be organized.

  21. Lisa Q says:

    Our guest room needs help!

  22. Shanley says:

    Front entrance, big time. It’s a dumping ground for EVERYTHING.

  23. Jennie says:

    My dining room is a disaster and really needs help!!! I am embarrassed to have people over.

  24. Annette Balboa says:

    Our living/dining room needs the most help. We just don’t know what to do with it 🙁

  25. Kate says:

    Our master bedroom is SO NOT a relaxing sanctuary!! It is a hot mess!

  26. Brittany says:

    My combination living/family room needs help! It’s a long and narrow space used for nearly all of our family’s ‘togetherness’ time–playing games, watching a movie, chatting over a cup of hot coffee, snuggling, and for one of us learning how to crawl!

  27. Becky says:

    Currently our front flex room needs the most help as we have to change this space into a play area for the kids! 🙂

  28. Lendy says:

    Our Breakfast Nook & Dining room both need help! They are connected by a half wall and need some inspiration!

  29. I would love this! My Living Room is in need of a make over! I would like it to better fit our active household of 6!

  30. shelly says:

    Our craftroom/office needs a major makeover! There’s unusable space while also having overcrowded desks and closet.

  31. Megan U says:

    Our playroom/basement/TV room needs the most attention. It functions but is not as “fun” as it could be. It needs more life and bright energy on the walls.

  32. Evelyn says:

    Our sunroom needs the most help! The only thing getting sun are all the toys!

  33. Erika Hall says:

    We desperately need help for our office/guest room/play room. We have so many purposes for that one, tiny room and I would love to get some ideas and how we can make it all work together!

  34. Christine says:

    My master bedroom/bathroom, because I have spent all my time/money decorating the kid’s rooms.

  35. Alina says:

    Our living room and basement.

  36. Sean says:

    We need a lot of help in the master bedroom, guest bedroom and my child’s bedroom.

  37. Erin says:

    probably our family room or master 🙂

  38. Aimee Hess says:

    Dining Room/playroom. Id like my dining room back but we don’t have a place for all the toys.

  39. Monica b says:

    My sons newly shared room with his 5 month old brother

  40. laura says:

    the guest room needs a TON of help!

  41. Tiffany Grant says:

    I’d love read on ideas of how to make our home for 4 ready for a home of 5! Starting with moving my two kids into the same room! Can’t wait to read! Thank you!

  42. Stephanie says:

    Our basement family room definitely needs some help!

  43. Suzanne says:

    Would love a copy of this book! I’ve been following designmom since I was pregnant with my first son back in 2007! The room that is in desperate need of help in my home is my 2 boys room. Ages 7 and 4.

  44. Juliet says:

    I would like to get fresh ideas for our family game/playroom!

  45. Cherie Barnaby says:

    I would have to say I need the most help in my master bedroom. Hoping her book can help me with that task.

  46. Beka says:

    All my rooms need a bit of help but the dining room needs the most!

  47. Haneen says:

    My home office is the room that’s currently begging for a makeover! It’s half office half toy room and I’m looking to glam it up while still leaving my 2 year old’s go-to toys accessible. I would so love a copy of Design Mom on display in there. I love the cover! Love that it’s filled with ideas but also lovely enough to have out on display;)

  48. Kasha says:

    We have a multipurpose room that currently holds children’s toys and my crafting space…it is a disaster! We would like to turn it into a family and play room with proper storage for toys whole it is still an adult space. Help!

  49. Our living room needs the most work. With 2 kids under 2,5 it’s hard to even find the time to start worrying about another project. I’d love to get some inspiration and that little push of redoing this room, by winning the book! Would love to get her view on creating more storage space without having a room stuffed with toys!

  50. Beverly Myers says:

    My kitchen/eating area needs help! My kitchen is open to our informal eating space and ends up being the catch-all for toys, papers, junk mail, electronic devices …. You name it, it piles up here.

  51. Melanie says:

    My home office needs help! It is also the room that is the “catch all,” where things end up that either don’t have a place, or there’s not room for anywhere else. It needs organization and decorating help! I’d love to win!

  52. Janay says:

    Would love this book! My living room needs help for sure!

  53. Our bedroom then living room. Would love to have this book! Thx for the chance!

  54. BrookeJ says:

    I’m slowly working on every room in my house, but wishing I could get to the master bedroom faster!

  55. Jennifer T. says:

    Our master bedroom seems to be the room that is always last to get attention. I have a clear direction for all of the rooms, but ours. It could use a little TLC.

    I love reading Design Mom’s blog and would love a copy of this fantastic book!

  56. Kandyce says:

    The playroom! The kids are growing out of their toddler toys and now I’m not sure how to change it into a space for older kids.

  57. JWay says:

    I would absolutely LOVE a copy of this book!!! I just had baby#2 and my house is in utter chaos! I’m heading back to work FT soon and need to re-org every single room so that I don’t have added stress upon returning to work.
    thanks for the chance ~

  58. JWay says:

    I would absolutely love a copy of this book. I just had baby #2 and have to go back to work soon so I’m in desperate need of re-organizing to make life less stressful upon returning to work full time. I’ve tried to de-clutter over the years, but still need help on really clearing out for the long term while also maintaining my modern décor style.
    thanks for the chance.

  59. Holly says:

    Our playroom needs help!

  60. Alyson says:

    Dining room – How to make it fun, family-friendly but a bit glamorous too – that is the issue!

  61. Lori says:

    Basement family room

  62. Debra says:

    I could totally use her book, luv the cover! Family room could use the most work to give it a cozy and comfortable place to hang out and entertain. Thanks!!

  63. Katie Stern says:

    I would LOVE a copy of this book. Every room in our house could use some organization, but honestly, the one room I would love to do would be our bedroom. We spend so much time trying to keep the other rooms in our house looking organized and decorated nicely, but our bedroom is a mess and needs some help!

    PS – love the home office photo and that calendar, ahh, what I wouldn’t give to have something like that (especially working from home 24/7).

  64. Emily says:

    My home office, which shares the space with the playroom.

  65. Alexis DeWitt says:

    LOVE this giveaway! My kitchen is in desperate need of some TLC!

  66. I honestly could use help in all of my rooms at the moment! We moved into our home a few months ago, and there are so many things to be done!

  67. Lauren Field says:

    My postage stamp sized living room needs the most help 🙂

  68. Cynthia says:

    My living room and master bedroom need the most help right now, but with two little kids this bookworms probably help with all the rooms in my home.

  69. LaShundra Cotto says:

    My daughter’s bedroom needs help…very much so!

  70. Brittany Lewis says:

    I would love this book!! My “craft room” for sure needs the most work!

  71. Georgette says:

    Our family Room and the Play Room first and foremost since it’s the spaces the kids spend a lot of time in.

  72. Ellen S says:

    I need help in the living room! that is where we spend the most time and I would love for the space to work for the adults and the kiddos!

  73. LIsa says:

    The room that needs the most help is my bedroom! I seem to focus on everything else and then forget about myself. #momproblems

  74. Sara says:

    Our living room is in desperate need of a pick me up!

  75. Erin says:

    The playroom is the room I need to work on the most (and I’d love to make it part home office too !) I love the design piece AND I need practical solutions with a 2.5 and 4.5 year old! 🙂

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